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Located in the traditional streetscape of Kurogi Town, the property could be used for a variety of purposes, including as a combined retail and residential space or as an event space.黒木町の伝統的な町並みに位置する店舗兼住宅店舗やイベントスペースなど様々な活用が考えられます
Land:土地面積 | 228 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 240 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2 stories2階建 |
Structure:構造 | Wood and steel frame, cement tile and slate roofing, 2-stor木・鉄骨造セメント瓦・スレート葺2階建 |
Built in:建築年 | 1929 |
☆A magnificent view of the Tokachi mountain range ☆Close to Furano Ski Resort ☆Large, natural land with a rural landscape ☆Multipurpose use☆十勝岳連峰の絶景が望めます☆富良野スキー場に近い☆田園風景の自然な広い土地☆多目的に利用可能です
Land:土地面積 | 14783 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 220 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2 stories2階建 |
Structure:構造 | Wood structure with alloy-plated steel roof木造合金メッキ鋼板葺き |
Built in:建築年 | 2013 |
Recommended for those planning to open a restaurant. The second floor has a stage that can be used as a banquet hall and a Japanese-style room. This property is available vacant. It can be used for other purposes such as facilities and training camps. There is a large parking space and it faces a main road, so it is great for advertising. Hibikiyama Park, where the hydrangeas are beautiful, is nearby. Please feel free to contact us.飲食店を開業予定の方へお勧めです。2階は宴会場が可能なステージや和室があります。居ぬき物件です。その他施設や、合宿所等用途多。駐車スペースも広く、大通りに面しているので宣伝効果大。近くには紫陽花が綺麗な響き山公園があります。お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。
Land:土地面積 | 570 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 477 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2nd floor / 2-story building2階 / 2階建 |
Structure:構造 | RC constructionRC造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1998 |
As the store is currently open, please discuss the time of handover. Minor repairs are required. Please contact us for details. Facilities: Electricity installed, water supply, LP gas, flush toilet, no bath店舗営業中のため、引き渡し時期等は要相談です。多少の補修が必要です。詳しくはお問い合わせください。設備:電気引込済、上水道完備、LPガス、水洗トイレ、風呂なし
Land:土地面積 | 1175 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 346 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2 stories2階建て |
Structure:構造 | Steel frame 2nd floor鉄骨2階 |
Built in:建築年 | 1992 |
Japan is an enticing destination for those looking to immigrate and start a new life. It is a country that seamlessly blends rich tradition with cutting-edge modernity. One of the key factors that make Japan so attractive to prospective immigrants is the housing availability. While Japan's bustling metropolises like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto offer a wide range of housing options, from modern apartments to traditional machiya, the country also faces a unique issue: a surplus of vacant houses, especially in rural areas. This provides an intriguing opportunity for immigrants to potentially acquire properties at reasonable prices, often at a fraction of what one might pay in major cities.
Japan's real estate market is diverse and can cater to various budgets. While cities like Tokyo tend to be on the higher end of the spectrum, there are still affordable options to be found in the suburbs and smaller towns. This inclusivity in housing costs allows immigrants to select a location that suits their financial circumstances.