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townhouse 鳥取県倉吉市
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Machiya for sale in Kurayoshi Shi : Tottori Ken

LocationKurayoshi Shi, Tottori Ken鳥取県倉吉市

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USD $2,160
33 万円

We received information about a property for 330,000 yen from Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture, an area blessed with nature, surrounded by the hot springs of Misasa, Hawai, and Togo, and adjacent to Mt. Mitoku and the Hiruzen Plateau in Okayama Prefecture. Kurayoshi City has long been a transportation hub, and commerce and industry have flourished. The Kurayoshi Shirakabe Dozo Group, which stands along Tamagawa River, is designated as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings, with many houses and storehouses built from the end of the Edo period to before the war. This time, we will introduce a DIY property located in the city center within walking distance of the Kurayoshi Shirakabe Dozo Group! The sea, mountains, and hot springs are all close by, about 20 minutes by car from the city center, and you can enjoy camping in the summer and winter sports in the winter.三朝(みささ)、はわい、東郷(とうごう)の温泉地に囲まれ、三徳山(みとくさん)や岡山県の蒜山(ひるぜん)高原にも隣接している自然に恵まれた地域、鳥取県倉吉市(くらよしし)より、なんと、33万円の物件情報が届きました。古くから交通網の結節点にあり、商工業が栄え倉吉市。玉川沿いに並ぶ倉吉白壁土蔵群(くらよししらかべどぞうぐん)は、江戸時代末期から戦前までに建てられた家屋や土蔵が多く残り、国の重要伝統的建造物群保存地区として指定されています。そんな倉吉白壁土蔵群から徒歩圏のまちなかにあるDIY向けの物件を今回ご紹介! 海も山も温泉も、中心市街地から車で20分ほどと近く、夏はキャンプ、冬はウインタースポーツなどを楽しむことができます。

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Kurayoshi City, Tottori Prefecture鳥取県倉吉市
Building:建物面積Please inquire
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Structure:構造Two-story wooden building木造2階建て
Built in:建築年1924
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
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townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
Machiya for sale in Kurayoshi Shi : Tottori Ken

LocationKurayoshi Shi, Tottori Ken鳥取県倉吉市

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USD $2,160
33 万円

An old house in the town that is estimated to be about 100 years old!推定約百年!まちの古民家

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3K, 3DK, 3LDK
〇Japanese-style room



Fukuyoshi Town福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
Land:土地面積78 m²
Building:建物面積110 m²
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
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townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
townhouse 福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
Machiya for sale in Kurayoshi Shi : Tottori Ken

LocationKurayoshi Shi, Tottori Ken鳥取県倉吉市

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USD $4,582
70 万円

* There is a broker ▶ Rise Asset LLC (TEL: 0858-53-1114) ☆ Convenient downtown ☆ Convenience store, drug store, home center within 5 minutes on foot No parking lot (near bus stop) ☆Transportation Nearest station: JR Sanin Main Line Kurayoshi Station (10 minutes by car, about 5 km) Nearest bus stop: Get off at "Fukuyoshicho", 1 minute on foot (about 87 m) Nursery school (about 150 m), public Elementary school (approximately 1.1km), public junior high school (approximately 1.7km), supermarket (approximately 250m), hospital (approximately 800m) ♨About 20 minutes by car to Hawai Onsen ♨About 22 minutes by car to Togo Onsen♨Misasa Onsen About 18 minutes by car ♨ About 17 minutes by car to Sekigane Onsen※仲介業者あり▶合同会社ライズアセット(TEL:0858-53-1114)
☆便利な街中 ☆コンビニ・ドラッグストア・ホームセンターが徒歩5分以内

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

3K, 3DK, 3LDK 〇 Japanese-style room 6 tatami mats3K、3DK、3LDK



Fukuyoshi Town福吉町(ふくよしちょう)
Land:土地面積78 m²
Building:建物面積110 m²

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Tottori Ken

Settling in Tottori

Tottori, a less-visited and rural prefecture in Japan, is known for having a relatively higher number of vacant houses, or "akiya," in comparison to more populous regions of the country. This surplus of vacant houses presents a unique opportunity for individuals interested in purchasing property at affordable prices.

Life in Tottori is characterized by a slower pace, tranquil surroundings, and a strong connection to traditional Japanese culture. The prefecture is famous for its stunning sand dunes, pristine beaches, and natural beauty. Tottori offers a quieter, more relaxed lifestyle, making it appealing to individuals looking to escape the hustle and bustle of major cities.

The cost of living in Tottori is generally lower than in urban centers like Tokyo or Osaka. However, job opportunities can be more limited, and it's essential to consider employment prospects when planning to live in Tottori. Those with remote work options or a source of income that doesn't rely on local job markets may find Tottori particularly attractive for its affordability and quality of life.