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apartment 長崎県長崎市本尾町8-7(地番[411])
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apartment 長崎県長崎市本尾町8-7(地番[411])
apartment 長崎県長崎市本尾町8-7(地番[411])
apartment 長崎県長崎市本尾町8-7(地番[411])
apartment 長崎県長崎市本尾町8-7(地番[411])
apartment 長崎県長崎市本尾町8-7(地番[411])
Apartments for sale in Nagasaki Shi : Nagasaki Ken

LocationNagasaki Shi, Nagasaki Ken長崎県長崎市

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USD $69,062
1050 万円

"Motoocho Houses for sale/Tenka"「本尾町売家・長屋」


・Property address is 8-7 Motoocho ・No parking nearby ・One detached house and one tenement house (2 rooms) ・Currently rented (one detached house and one of the two tenement houses has been renovated) ・Estimated yield when fully occupied: 15.6% ・Estimated monthly rent when fully occupied: 137,000 yen ・Estimated annual rent when fully occupied: 1,644,000 yen ・Tenement house details: Total floor area 56.95 m2 Layout: One studio room (renovated and vacant) Layout of the remaining one is unknown as it is being occupied for a long time・物件住所は本尾町8-7です ・車横付け不可 ・戸建一棟と長屋(2室)一棟 ・現況賃貸中(戸建て1棟・長屋2室中1室リフォーム済み) ・満室時想定利回り:15.6% ・満室時月額想定賃料:137,000円 ・満室時年間想定賃料:1,644,000円 ・長屋詳細:延べ床面積56.95㎡ 間取り:ワンルーム1戸(リフォーム済み空室)・残り1戸は長期居住中の為間取り不明

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

Western-style room 5.3/Western-style room 3.5/Western-style room 3/LDK 19



Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Motoomachi 8-7 (Land number [411])長崎県長崎市本尾町8-7(地番[411])
Land:土地面積214 m²
Building:建物面積81 m²
Scale:建物規模1 story above ground地上1階建
Built in:建築年1952
apartment 長崎県長崎市鳴滝2丁目
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apartment 長崎県長崎市鳴滝2丁目
Apartments for sale in Nagasaki Shi : Nagasaki Ken

LocationNagasaki Shi, Nagasaki Ken長崎県長崎市

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USD $420,947
6400 万円

You can shop at Shindaiku Shopping Street. Elementary and junior high schools are nearby, and you can walk to the tram stop.新大工商店街でお買い物が出来ます。小中学校も近くて、電停までも歩いて行けます。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

2LDK Western-style room 6/Western-style room 6/LDK 102LDK


Yes 10,000 yen有 10,000円

Narutaki 2-chome, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture長崎県長崎市鳴滝2丁目
Land:土地面積583 m²
Building:建物面積213 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階建
Built in:建築年2018
apartment 長崎県北松浦郡佐々町鴨川免30-4
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apartment 長崎県北松浦郡佐々町鴨川免30-4
apartment 長崎県北松浦郡佐々町鴨川免30-4
apartment 長崎県北松浦郡佐々町鴨川免30-4
apartment 長崎県北松浦郡佐々町鴨川免30-4
Apartments for sale in Saza Cho : Nagasaki Ken

LocationSaza Cho, Nagasaki Ken長崎県佐々町

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USD $130,231
1980 万円

"First in with House II"「ファーストインウィズハウスⅡ」


Currently fully occupied [First Inn with House II]満室稼働中【ファーストインウィズハウスⅡ】

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

1F: 2DK x 2 households 2F: 2DK x 2 households 3F: 2DK x 2 households
1F:2DK×2世帯 2F:2DK×2世帯 3F:2DK×2世帯


Yes 1 free parking space有 駐車場1台無料

Nagasaki Prefecture, Kitamatsuura District, Saza Town, Kamogawa Men 30-4長崎県北松浦郡佐々町鴨川免30-4
Land:土地面積266 m²
Building:建物面積72 m²
Scale:建物規模3 floors above ground地上3階建
Built in:建築年1995
apartment 長崎県長崎市岩見町
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apartment 長崎県長崎市岩見町
apartment 長崎県長崎市岩見町
apartment 長崎県長崎市岩見町
apartment 長崎県長崎市岩見町
apartment 長崎県長崎市岩見町
apartment 長崎県長崎市岩見町
Apartments for sale in Nagasaki Shi : Nagasaki Ken

LocationNagasaki Shi, Nagasaki Ken長崎県長崎市

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USD $44,726
680 万円



The owner is currently living in the property, but you can come and view it by adjusting your schedule. Although the property is old, this means that costs can be kept down accordingly. Why not renovate it to suit your preferences and create your ideal home? The property has a flat parking space, which is rare for an apartment building on flat ground. The surrounding infrastructure and facilities are also well-equipped, making it an apartment building where you can live with peace of mind. Please contact us for more details. ~~~Surrounding Area~~~ ・Shiroyama Elementary School: 10 minutes on foot (approx. 756m) ・Fuchi Junior High School: 12 minutes on foot (approx. 926m) ・<Supermarket>Maxvalu Merlux Nagasaki Branch: 8 minutes on foot (approx. 622m) ・<Convenience Store>Daily Yamazaki Nagasaki Shiroyama Branch: 3 minutes on foot (approx. 210m) ・<Home Center>MrMax Nagasaki Branch: 8 minutes on foot (approx. 622m) ・<Kindergarten>Hikari Kindergarten: 3 minutes on foot (approx. 194m) ・<Hospital>Nagasaki Midori Hospital: 8 minutes on foot (approx. 572m) ・<Post Office>Nagasaki Fujimi Post Office: 5 minutes on foot (approx. 323m) ・<Bank>Juhachi Shinwa Bank Shiroyama Branch: 9 minutes on foo所有者様の入居中ですが、日程調整の上、ご見学可能です。
・城山小学校 徒歩約10分 (約756m)
・淵中学校 徒歩約12分(約926m)
・<スーパー>マックスバリュメルクス長崎店 徒歩約8分(約622m)
・<コンビニ>デイリーヤマザキ長崎城山店 徒歩約3分(約210m)
・<ホームセンター>MrMax長崎店 徒歩約8分(約622m)
・<幼稚園>ひかり幼稚園 徒歩約3分(約194m)
・<病院>長崎みどり病院 徒歩約8分(約572m)
・<郵便局>長崎富士見郵便局 徒歩約5分(約323m)
・<銀行>十八親和銀行城山支店 徒歩約9分(約683m)

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

Japanese-style room 6/Western-style room 7.2/LDK 13.8


Free parking for 1 car空有 駐車場1台無料

Iwami-cho, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture長崎県長崎市岩見町
Land:土地面積315 m²
Building:建物面積183 m²
Exclusive area:専有面積58 m²
Built in:建築年1979
apartment 長崎県諫早市泉町41−52
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apartment 長崎県諫早市泉町41−52
apartment 長崎県諫早市泉町41−52
apartment 長崎県諫早市泉町41−52
apartment 長崎県諫早市泉町41−52
apartment 長崎県諫早市泉町41−52
Apartments for sale in Isahaya Shi : Nagasaki Ken

LocationIsahaya Shi, Nagasaki Ken長崎県諫早市

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USD $62,484
950 万円

"Izumicho apartments for sale"「泉町売アパート」

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Yes Free parking for 3 or mor有 駐車場3台以上無料

Nagasaki Prefecture, Isahaya City, Izumicho 41-52長崎県諫早市泉町41−52
Land:土地面積200 m²
Building:建物面積117 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階建
Built in:建築年1980
apartment 長崎県長崎市辻町15-9
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apartment 長崎県長崎市辻町15-9
apartment 長崎県長崎市辻町15-9
apartment 長崎県長崎市辻町15-9
apartment 長崎県長崎市辻町15-9
Apartments for sale in Nagasaki Shi : Nagasaki Ken

LocationNagasaki Shi, Nagasaki Ken長崎県長崎市

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USD $118,391
1800 万円

"Excellent Tsujimachi"「エクセレント辻町」


This property has 8 households and is motorcycle-friendly.8世帯、バイク可能な物件です。

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Nagasaki Prefecture, Nagasaki City, Tsujimachi 15-9長崎県長崎市辻町15-9
Land:土地面積322 m²
Building:建物面積190 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階建
Built in:建築年1988
apartment 長崎県南島原市有家町山川1090-1
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apartment 長崎県南島原市有家町山川1090-1
apartment 長崎県南島原市有家町山川1090-1
apartment 長崎県南島原市有家町山川1090-1
apartment 長崎県南島原市有家町山川1090-1
Apartments for sale in Minamishimabara Shi : Nagasaki Ken

LocationMinamishimabara Shi, Nagasaki Ken長崎県南島原市

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USD $98,660
1500 万円
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Yes 2 free parking spaces有 駐車場2台無料

Nagasaki Prefecture Minamishimabara City Ariemachi Yamakawa 1090-1長崎県南島原市有家町山川1090-1
Land:土地面積769 m²
Building:建物面積59 m²
Built in:建築年1993
apartment 長崎県長崎市江里町14-1
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apartment 長崎県長崎市江里町14-1
apartment 長崎県長崎市江里町14-1
apartment 長崎県長崎市江里町14-1
apartment 長崎県長崎市江里町14-1
apartment 長崎県長崎市江里町14-1
Apartments for sale in Nagasaki Shi : Nagasaki Ken

LocationNagasaki Shi, Nagasaki Ken長崎県長崎市

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USD $420,947
6400 万円

"Green Hill Heights"「グリーンヒルハイツ」

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Nagasaki Prefecture, Nagasaki City, Erimachi 14-1長崎県長崎市江里町14-1
Land:土地面積554 m²
Building:建物面積220 m²
Scale:建物規模5 stories above ground地上5階建
Built in:建築年1985
apartment 長崎県長崎市東小島町3番(地番[53番1,2])
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apartment 長崎県長崎市東小島町3番(地番[53番1,2])
Apartments for sale in Nagasaki Shi : Nagasaki Ken

LocationNagasaki Shi, Nagasaki Ken長崎県長崎市

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USD $57,880
880 万円
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Floor planFloor plan間取り




3 Higashikojimacho, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture (Land number [53-1, 53-2])長崎県長崎市東小島町3番(地番[53番1,2])
Land:土地面積164 m²
Building:建物面積90 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階建
Built in:建築年1984
apartment 長崎県長崎市平間町294-11
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apartment 長崎県長崎市平間町294-11
apartment 長崎県長崎市平間町294-11
apartment 長崎県長崎市平間町294-11
apartment 長崎県長崎市平間町294-11
apartment 長崎県長崎市平間町294-11
Apartments for sale in Nagasaki Shi : Nagasaki Ken

LocationNagasaki Shi, Nagasaki Ken長崎県長崎市

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USD $84,189
1280 万円

"Hiramachi Apartment"「平間町アパート」


One floor - 1 household★2 household apartment★Safe for first time investors★Large scale exterior wall repairs completed★ Marutaka and Cosmos are nearby, flat and convenient location★(^^)/The area has been rezoned to create a beautiful streetscape★Quiet location with a park right in front★ワンフロア―1世帯★2世帯のアパートです★初めて投資の方も安心★外壁大規模修繕も終わってます★

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

2DK 6 Japanese-style rooms/6 Japanese-style rooms/DK62DK


Yes Free parking for 3 or mor有 駐車場3台以上無料

294-11 Hiramamachi, Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture長崎県長崎市平間町294-11
Land:土地面積158 m²
Building:建物面積99 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階建
Built in:建築年1985

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Nagasaki Ken

Settling in Nagasaki

Nagasaki Prefecture, nestled in the southwestern part of Japan's Kyushu Island, is a captivating destination known for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. The region is characterized by its picturesque coastal scenery, mountainous terrain, and historic sites, making it a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage. Compared to more urbanized prefectures like Tokyo or Osaka, Nagasaki offers a slower-paced lifestyle that's attractive to those seeking a tranquil yet engaging environment. The cost of living in Nagasaki is significantly lower than in these larger cities, with housing affordability being a common highlight for potential immigrants. Properties in Nagasaki range from traditional wooden houses to modern apartments, often available at prices that are far more accessible compared to metropolitan areas, with average home prices being about 50-60% lower than in the major cities. This affordability allows for more spacious living options and outdoor areas that contribute to a higher quality of life, particularly for families or individuals seeking a peaceful retreat. Additionally, the prefecture boasts a rich culinary scene, vibrant festivals, and friendly communities that welcome newcomers. With its strong connection to both Japanese and international cultures, as evidenced by its historical ties to early foreign trade, Nagasaki Ken provides a unique fusion of opportunity and tranquility. For those looking to embrace a different pace of life while enjoying a lower cost of living, this prefecture presents an outstanding opportunity for relocation to Japan.