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Land for sale in Aoki Mura : Nagano Ken

LocationAoki Mura, Nagano Ken長野県青木村

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USD $24,423
380 万円

Located about 1km northeast from the village center, it is convenient for shopping and transportation, and can also be accessed by bicycle. The bright southern tiered land overlooks Mt. Fukami in front and Mt. Kodanrei to the north. The access road is wide enough for two cars to pass each other, but wide enough for one car to pass. The construction of the water and sewerage lines has been completed, and the buyer will be responsible for the beneficiary's share, water subscription fee, and construction costs, totaling approximately 1.2 million yen. The land is large enough to provide space for a vegetable garden, making it a recommended location for settling down, but it would also be good to build a compact vacation home for weekend use.村の中心地から北東へ1km程の場所に位置し、買い物や交通の便が良く、自転車で行動もできる立地。南ひな壇の明るい土地は、正面に夫神岳を望み、北側には子檀嶺岳を望める。進入路は、すれ違いが出来ない幅だが車一台通行するには充分な幅。上下水道の引込工事は終わっており、買主様は受益者分担金、水道加入金、引込工事費用、約120万円の費用負担がある。菜園スペースも確保できる広さなので定住にもオススメの立地だが、コンパクトな別荘を建て、週末利用するもの良いだろう。

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Located about 1km northeast from the center of the village, it is convenient for shopping and transportation, and you can get around by bicycle. It is a recommended location for settling down as it is spacious enough to have a vegetable garden, but it would also be good to build a compact villa and村の中心地から北東へ1km程の場所に位置し、買い物や交通の便が良く、自転車で行動もできる立地。菜園スペースも確保できる広さなので定住にもオススメの立地だが、コンパクトな別荘を建て、週末利用するもの良いだろう。

Muramatsu, Aoki Village, Chigasaki County, Nagano Prefecture長野県小県郡青木村村松
Land:土地面積472 m²
Scale:建物規模Land area 472.18㎡ (142.83 tsubo)土地面積472.18㎡(142.83坪)
Structure:構造Residential land宅地
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Land for sale in Hakone Machi : Kanagawa Ken

LocationHakone Machi, Kanagawa Ken神奈川県箱根町

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USD $12,854
200 万円

This is a former Prince management land that we would like to recommend to fans of the Hakone Ekiden. There are long-established hot spring inns scattered around the area. This is 1120m2 of land in the Yunohana Villa area, located just before the highest point of National Route 1 at 874m above sea level, the most difficult mountain climbing section 5 of the Hakone Ekiden, which is held every year on January 2nd and 3rd. Weeds have been cut around the parking space and concrete stairs. The clear chirps of the Japanese bush warblers are soothing. The parking space can accommodate one large vehicle or two small vehicles. You can watch the fierce battles of the 5th section, the moving finale of the first day's outward leg, and the 6th section, the important start of the second day's return leg, right in front of you. This is a place where you can get more excitement and emotion than on TV. Make it your base for cheering on the live Hakone Ekiden. It is a 25-minute bus ride from Hakone Yumoto Station, and the Yunohana Villa area is 150m from the Yuzakaji Iriguchi bus stop towards Lake Ashi. The land is 50m away from there. Hakone is a wonderful place that can be enjoyed all year round.箱根駅伝ファンの方におすすめしたい元プリンス管理の土地です。周辺には老舗温泉旅館が点在してます。毎年1月2日と3日に行われる箱根駅伝の往路、最大の難所山登り5区の国道一号線最高点標高874m地点の手前にある湯ノ花別荘地内の土地350坪です。駐車スペース、コンクリート階段周辺の雑草刈りをしました。ウグイスの澄んださえずりが安らぎます。駐車スペースには大型車1台か小型車2台駐車できます。激闘繰り広げる1日目往路感動のフィナーレの5区、2日目復路大事なスタートの6区を目の前で観戦することができます。テレビ以上に感動と興奮が得られる場所です。生の箱根駅伝を応援する拠点にしてください。箱根湯本駅からバスで25分、バス停湯坂路入口から芦ノ湖方面へ150mで湯ノ花別荘地があります。そこから50m先に土地があります。箱根は一年中楽しむことのできる素晴らしいところです。春は宮城野早川堤の桜並木、梅雨は箱根登山鉄道のあじさい電車、夏は冷房いらずで避暑地となり8月お盆の大文字焼き、冬はお正月の箱根駅伝と雪景色と温泉、夜空に輝く星屑たち、四季によって異なる箱根を味わって下さい。傾斜地なので眺望が良く、8月の大文字焼きが見えます。平らな土地で家を建てるのとは違った住宅作りができます。大きな違いは地下部分の有無です。平地ではわざわざ作らないとできない地下部分が、傾斜地に家を建てると自ずと地下部分ができます。一般的な住宅作りとは違った楽しみが味わえます。近隣施設として、箱根ユネッサン、大涌谷、湯ノ花プリンスホテルゴルフ場、富士屋ホテル、芦ノ湖、箱根神社、九頭竜神社、箱根関所、甘酒茶屋、彫刻の森美術館、御殿場アウトレットパーク等、観光地がたくさんあります。

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Parking available for 1 large vehicle or 2 small vehicles大型車1台か小型車2台駐車可能

Hakone Town, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa Prefecture神奈川県足柄下郡箱根町
Land:土地面積1155 m²
Structure:構造Former Prince's Land元プリンス管理の土地
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Land for rent in Kamakura Shi : Kanagawa Ken

LocationKamakura Shi, Kanagawa Ken神奈川県鎌倉市

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USD $273 / month
(¥42,530 / month)
4 万 2530 円 / 月

The Omachi 1-chome area is an area along the Namegawa River where the typical Kamakura scenery remains. The relaxed scenery of the mansion town exudes the atmosphere of old Kamakura and has a special feeling that is different from the commercial area around the station. This land is a corner of that charming place. Of the two residential lots, one is vacant and the other has an old house attached. There are options for either building a life from scratch or renovating.大町一丁目エリアは、滑川沿いの鎌倉らしい風景が残るエリアです。お屋敷町のゆったりとした景観は、旧鎌倉の雰囲気が漂い駅周辺の商業エリアとは異なる特別感があります。今回の土地はその風情ある場所の一角です。2宅地の内、一方は更地で、もう片方は古家付きとなっています。ゼロから暮らしをつくるのも、リノベーションするのもどちらものパターンもあります。

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Vacant land更地

Omachi 1-chome, Kamakura City鎌倉市大町1丁目
Land:土地面積189 m²
Scale:建物規模Vacant lot更地
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Land for sale in Tomi Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationTomi Shi, Nagano Ken長野県東御市

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USD $22,495
350 万円

With magnificent views of Mt. Asama and the Northern Alps, the Mimakihara Plateau is a popular place for many Furusato members to settle and use as a vacation home. The main land, about 330m², slopes gently to the east and is covered with a mixed forest of chestnut and sawtooth oak trees. There is one vacation home on the east side, but it is about 70m away from the village, so it is at a comfortable distance. There is little traffic, so you can forget the hustle and bustle of the city. It is a good place to build a house on the hill, but it would also be nice to use it as a private campsite or a place to make firewood. The construction work to connect the public water supply is included in the price, and the beneficiary fee is 80,000 yen (excluding tax).浅間連山や北アルプスの雄大な眺めが望める事で、多くのふるさと会員も定住や別荘利用する御牧原台地。約100坪の本地は東側へ緩傾斜し、クリやクヌギの雑木林となる。東側に別荘が一軒あるが、集落までは70m程離れており、程よい距離感が保たれている。交通量も少なく都会の喧騒を忘れさせてくれる。小高い部分に住宅を建てるのも良いが、専用キャンプ場や薪木を造る場所として楽しむのも良さそうだ。公営水道の引き込み工事は価格に含んでおり、受益者負担金は8万円(税別)となる。

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330㎡ (99.82 tsubo)330㎡(99.82坪)

Nagano Prefecture, Tomi City, Mimakihara長野県東御市御牧原
Land:土地面積330 m²
Scale:建物規模Approximately 100 tsubo約100坪

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Saitama Ken

Settling in Saitama

Saitama Prefecture, located just north of Tokyo, offers a unique blend of suburban tranquility and proximity to urban convenience. The lifestyle in Saitama is characterized by a strong sense of community, well-maintained parks, and access to nature, making it suitable for families and outdoor enthusiasts. The excellent public transportation system allows easy commutes to Tokyo, meaning you can enjoy the vibrancy of city life while residing in a quieter environment. Finding affordable housing in Saitama is relatively easier compared to Tokyo and other major metropolitan areas. While property prices have risen, particularly in popular districts like Kawaguchi and Saitama City, you can still find reasonably priced apartments and homes in more rural areas. Areas like Fukaya offer affordable options, often at about 20-30% lower than those in Tokyo. In terms of quality of life, Saitama is generally favorable. It boasts good healthcare facilities, quality educational institutions, and lower crime rates. The cost of living is also lower than in central Tokyo, with savings on groceries, dining, and entertainment. While some may feel that Saitama's cultural offerings are more limited compared to Tokyo, the local festivals, otaku culture, and easy access to exciting attractions make it a vibrant place to live. Overall, Saitama Ken presents an attractive option for those looking to balance affordability with a pleasant lifestyle in Japan.