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The flood hazard map indicates that the area is expected to be flooded between 0.5m and 3.0m, but there was no flooding above floor level during the 2019 typhoon. (Neighborhood interview survey) The existing building was newly built in 1959 and expanded in December 1971. When reconstructing, both the north and east side roads will need to be set back and the northeast corner will need to be cut off, resulting in a reduction of about 30 square meters.
For details, please directly contact the members of the NPO Koriyama Vacant House Bank listed below.
Vacant House Bank Member: Endo Real Estate Co., Ltd. Fukushima Prefectural Governor (1) No. 3525
Address: 189-2 Hinodeyama 3-chome, Asaka-cho, Koriyama City
☎: 024-973-7987洪水ハザードマップ浸水想定は0.5m~3.0m未満の区域ですが、令和元年の台風時には床上浸水になりませんでした。(近隣聞き取り調査)既存建物は昭和34年に新築し、昭和46年12月に増築しています。再建築時には北側、東側いずれの道路もセットバック、北東角の隅切りが必要で30平方メートル程度減少することになります。
空き家バンク会員:えんどう不動産株式会社 福島県知事(1)第3525号
Land:土地面積 | 179 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 85 m² |
Exclusive area:専有面積 | 85 m² |
Structure:構造 | Wooden Heike木造 平家 |
Built in:建築年 | 1959 |
This is a farmhouse.
For more information, please contact the member of the NPO Koriyama Vacant House Bank listed below directly.
Company name: Thomas Home Co., Ltd. (exclusive exclusive transaction)
Thomas Home Co., Ltd.
Address: 213-1 Kaisei 6-chome, Koriyama City
Telephone: 024 (931) 5705農家住宅です。
Land:土地面積 | 5007 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 405 m² |
Structure:構造 | Wooden two-story building木造2階建て |
Built in:建築年 | 1928 |
We would also like to sell the adjacent field (Nokurosawa 40-1: 865 square meters) together. Minor repairs required (at tenant's expense).隣接する畑(野黒沢40-1:865平米)も一緒に売却希望
Land:土地面積 | 1540 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 276 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2-story / -2階建 / - |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1938 |
Convenient living, convenient transportation, good environment
Right next to the Yayamada land readjustment area. Although it is an urbanization control area, buildings built before the City Planning Act were in place and can be rebuilt with the City Planning Act Enforcement Regulation Article 60 certification. There are conditions, so please contact us for details.
For inquiries, please contact our bank member, Sun Friend Co., Ltd. Information
2-39 Nakano, Koriyama City, TEL 024-952-7794生活便利 交通便利 環境良好
郡山市中野2丁目39 TEL 024-952-7794 まで
Land:土地面積 | 325 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 64 m² |
Structure:構造 | One-story wooden building木造平屋建て |
Built in:建築年 | 1943 |
This property allows you to have a room for your hobbies and enjoy country living.
Comes with a large warehouse where you can do some DIY.
Facing the beautifully maintained Izumo Shrine, you can enjoy the Japanese-style garden. Conveniently located near Kisakata Government Office and the station.田舎暮らしを楽しむ趣味の部屋が持てる物件です。
Land:土地面積 | 342 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 174 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2-story / -2階建 / - |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1958 |
Wooden, cement-tiled, single-storey building, 16.56 m2; wooden, tin-roofed, two-storey building, 69.55 m2. Consultation required for use.木造セメント瓦葺平屋建16.56㎡、木造トタン葺2階建69.55㎡ 利用については要相談
Land:土地面積 | 767 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 70 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 1st floor, 2nd floor1階, 2階 |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1950 |
・A detached house by the sea near Atsumi Onsen Station ・Rental: 40,000 yen per month (no pets allowed) ・No parking (parking for one small car allowed)・あつみ温泉駅近くの海沿いの戸建・賃貸の場合:月額4万円(ペット不可)・駐車場なし(軽自動車1台は駐車可)
Land:土地面積 | 143 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 165 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2 stories2階建 |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1982 |
The interior is currently being cleaned up and will be open to the public after that.
For detailed information such as the location, you will need to submit an application form.内観につきましては現在片づけ中のため、片づけ後に公開いたします。
Land:土地面積 | 319 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 145 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2-story / -2階建 / - |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1934 |
This house made of wood and concrete blocks stands in a small alley off the "Symbol Road," the main evacuation route from the coastal area to higher ground. It features a neat, square shape and a sense of depth.海岸エリアから高台に逃げる主要な避難路となる『シンボルロード』を1本入った小さな路地に建つ、木・コンクリートブロック造の家。四角く整ったフォルムが特徴的で、奥行きがある物件です。
Security deposit:敷金 | 2 months2ヶ月 |
Land:土地面積 | 332 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 144 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2-storey, 8DK2階建て8DK |
Structure:構造 | Wood and concrete block construction with tiled roof木・コンクリートブロック造瓦葺 |
Built in:建築年 | 1964 |
Choosing the Tohoku region as a place to immigrate to and buy an affordable house in Japan can be a great decision. Generally, Tohoku offers more affordable housing options compared to major metropolitan areas like Tokyo and Osaka. The cost of living in rural areas is often lower as well. Tohoku is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including mountains, forests, and coastline. If you appreciate a quieter, more nature-oriented lifestyle, Tohoku may be an attractive choice.
Living in the Tohoku region can provide a more authentic Japanese cultural experience, with a strong sense of community and traditional customs. Crime rates are generally low in this region. In addition, some local governments in the Tohoku region offer incentives and support for immigrants, such as subsidies and tax breaks, to encourage population growth and to reduce the excess of vacant and abandonned houses.