All Akiyas

detached 加東市河高
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detached 加東市河高
detached 加東市河高
detached 加東市河高
detached 加東市河高
Traditional houses for sale in Kato Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationKato Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県加東市

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USD $6,577
100 万円
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Some repairs are required, costs to be borne by the tenant多少の補修が必要、費用は入居者負担

Kato City Kawataka加東市河高
Land:土地面積399 m²
Building:建物面積171 m²
Built in:建築年1904
detached 豊岡市日高町岩中
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detached 豊岡市日高町岩中
detached 豊岡市日高町岩中
Traditional houses for sale in Toyooka Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationToyooka Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県豊岡市

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USD $38,148
580 万円

◇Bath: Kerosene, Stove: IH stove◇風呂:灯油、コンロ:IHコンロ

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Iwanaka, Hidaka Town, Toyooka City豊岡市日高町岩中
Land:土地面積202 m²
Building:建物面積218 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories above ground地上2階建て
Built in:建築年1952
detached 氷上町清住
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detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
detached 氷上町清住
Traditional houses for sale in Tanba Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationTanba Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県丹波市

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USD $131,546
2000 万円

A beautiful residence in Kiyosumi, Hikami-cho!! Includes hearth and vegetable garden space氷上町清住の秀邸!! 囲炉裏、菜園スペース付き

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Kiyosumi, Hikami-cho, Tanba City, Hyogo Prefecture兵庫県丹波市氷上町清住
Land:土地面積680 m²
Building:建物面積168 m²
Scale:建物規模1 floor above ground地上1階建て
Built in:建築年2001
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
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detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
detached 井土(温泉エリア)
Traditional houses for sale in Shin-onsen Cho : Hyogo Ken

LocationShin-onsen Cho, Hyogo Ken兵庫県新温泉町

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USD $64,458
980 万円

The mansion has two warehouses, three storehouses, farmland and a garden. It is so spacious that it can be reused as a gallery or live music venue.倉庫2棟、蔵3棟、農地・庭付きのお屋敷。とても広いのでギャラリーや音楽ライブ会場としても再利用可能です。

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Shin-onsencho Izuchi (hot spring area)新温泉町井土(温泉エリア)
Land:土地面積1237 m²
Building:建物面積312 m²
Scale:建物規模Two-story wooden building, 9DK木造2階建て 9DK
Built in:建築年1929
detached 西大畠
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detached 西大畠
detached 西大畠
detached 西大畠
detached 西大畠
detached 西大畠
detached 西大畠
detached 西大畠
detached 西大畠
detached 西大畠
detached 西大畠
Traditional houses for sale in Sayo Cho : Hyogo Ken

LocationSayo Cho, Hyogo Ken兵庫県佐用町

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USD $25,651
390 万円

Located along the national highway, the house has a 6DK layout, and upon entering the large 8-tatami entrance hall, there are two 6-tatami Japanese-style rooms to the left and two 4.5-tatami Japanese-style rooms in the back, connected in a tandem. The dining kitchen is 6 tatami and connected to the Japanese-style rooms, and on the second floor there are two rooms, one 6 tatami and one 4.5 tatami, without tatami mats. There is also a large-capacity warehouse on the west side of the house and a storage shed on the east side for storing small cars and agricultural equipment.国道沿いにあり、間取りは6DKで、8帖もある大きな玄関フロアを入ると左に6帖の和室が二間と奥に4.5帖の和室二間が田の字型に繋がっています。ダイニングキッチンは6帖で和室に繋がり、二階は6帖と4.5帖の畳が敷いていない部屋が二部屋となっています。居宅の西側には大容量の倉庫と東側には、軽自動車や農機具が入る物置小屋もあります。

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Nishiohata, Sayo Town佐用町西大畠
Land:土地面積221 m²
Building:建物面積94 m²
Built in:建築年1971
detached 加西市中野町
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detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
Traditional houses for sale in Kasai Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationKasai Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県加西市

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USD $84,189
1280 万円
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Equipment statusEquipment status設備状況

Facilities and attached properties: Water supply, Sewerage, Propane gas, Electricity, Garden, Veranda

Parking: Yes

Zoning: Undesignated

Land rights: Ownership

Road access: Public road 3.4m north, public road 3.6m southwest

Building coverage ratio/Floor area ratio: 60%/200%

Land use: Residential

Topography: Flat

Setback: 8.4 square meters required

*As is (seller is exempt from responsibility for repairs to various facilities).

*Seller is exempt from responsibility for indicating boundaries (explained based on land survey map).

*Seller is exempt from responsibility for non-compliance
設備状況・付帯物件:上水道 ・下水道 ・プロパンガス ・電気 ・庭 ・縁側
・駐車場:有 ・用途地域:無指定 ・土地権利:所有権
・接道状況:北 3.4m 公道・南西 3.6m 公道
・建ぺい率/容積率:60%/200% ・地目:宅地
・地勢:平坦 ・セットバック:要 8.4平方メートル

Nakanocho, Kasai City加西市中野町
Land:土地面積647 m²
Building:建物面積188 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1980
detached 兵庫県豊岡市中陰
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detached 兵庫県豊岡市中陰
detached 兵庫県豊岡市中陰
detached 兵庫県豊岡市中陰
detached 兵庫県豊岡市中陰
detached 兵庫県豊岡市中陰
detached 兵庫県豊岡市中陰
detached 兵庫県豊岡市中陰
detached 兵庫県豊岡市中陰
detached 兵庫県豊岡市中陰
detached 兵庫県豊岡市中陰
detached 兵庫県豊岡市中陰
Traditional houses for sale in Toyooka Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationToyooka Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県豊岡市

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USD $24,994
380 万円
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Nakain, Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture Detached house in Nakain兵庫県豊岡市中陰 中陰の戸建て
Land:土地面積844 m²
Building:建物面積79 m²
Scale:建物規模Room/lot number部屋/区画番号
Built in:建築年1957
detached 合山町
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detached 合山町
detached 合山町
detached 合山町
detached 合山町
detached 合山町
detached 合山町
detached 合山町
detached 合山町
detached 合山町
detached 合山町
detached 合山町
Traditional houses for sale in Nishiwaki Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationNishiwaki Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県西脇市

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USD $36,175
550 万円

A multipurpose old house多用途に使える古民家

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Repairs neededRepairs needed補修の必要性

Some areas require renovation work改修工事が必要な場所あり

Nishiwaki City Goyamacho西脇市合山町
Land:土地面積985 m²
Building:建物面積200 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Structure:構造Wooden tile roof木造瓦葺
Built in:建築年1962
detached 銀山字本町
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Traditional houses in Inagawa Cho : Hyogo Ken

LocationInagawa Cho, Hyogo Ken兵庫県猪名川町

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This is a historic old house that has a place in local history. The residential lot is over 12,000m2, and the separate lot is over 12,000m2. It comes with a barn and storehouse, so it could be used as an old house cafe. It is about a 10-minute drive from the Shin-Meishin Kawanishi IC.郷土史に残る由緒ある古民家です、宅地363坪超、別敷地3628坪超あります。納屋・土蔵付、古民家カフェなどに如何ですか。新名神川西ICまで車で10分程です。

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Yes ※2有 ※2

Ginzan Honmachi, Inagawa Town, Kawabe District川辺郡猪名川町銀山字本町
Land:土地面積1200 m²
Building:建物面積154 m²
Scale:建物規模1 floor above ground地上1階建て
Built in:建築年1955
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
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townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
townhouse 兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
Machiya for sale in Toyooka Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationToyooka Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県豊岡市

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USD $15,128
230 万円
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Hirohara, Izushi-cho, Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture兵庫県豊岡市出石町弘原
Building:建物面積125 m²
Scale:建物規模Room/lot number部屋/区画番号
Built in:建築年1921

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Hyogo Ken

Settling in Hyogo

Hyogo Prefecture, nestled in the heart of Japan's Kansai region, boasts an alluring blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and economic opportunity, making it an outstanding choice for those considering relocation. Notably, Hyogo is home to the vibrant city of Kobe, known for its cosmopolitan atmosphere, delicious cuisine, and picturesque harbor views, but it also offers charming smaller cities and rural areas that provide a more laid-back lifestyle. The legendary Arima Onsen hot springs and the stunning Rokko Mountain range add to the prefecture's allure, providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation. One of the key advantages of Hyogo Ken is its relatively affordable housing market compared to other major metropolitan areas like Tokyo and Osaka. This makes it an ideal place for individuals and families seeking to buy a home without the exorbitant price tags typical of larger cities. Additionally, Hyogo's strong transportation links, including the Shinkansen (bullet train) and extensive rail networks, allow for easy commuting to neighboring cities while enjoying a more tranquil living environment. The prefecture also benefits from a diverse job market, with opportunities in industries such as technology, manufacturing, and tourism, making it conducive for newcomers in search of employment. With an inviting community spirit, rich history, and the right blend of urban and rural living, Hyogo Ken presents a unique option for those eager to discover their new home in Japan while enjoying a high quality of life at a more accessible price point.