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detached 加西市中野町
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detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
detached 加西市中野町
Traditional houses for sale in Kasai Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationKasai Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県加西市

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USD $83,777
1280 万円
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Equipment statusEquipment status設備状況

Facilities and attached properties: Water supply, Sewerage, Propane gas, Electricity, Garden, Veranda

Parking: Yes

Zoning: Undesignated

Land rights: Ownership

Road access: Public road 3.4m north, public road 3.6m southwest

Building coverage ratio/Floor area ratio: 60%/200%

Land use: Residential

Topography: Flat

Setback: 8.4 square meters required

*As is (seller is exempt from responsibility for repairs to various facilities).

*Seller is exempt from responsibility for indicating boundaries (explained based on land survey map).

*Seller is exempt from responsibility for non-compliance
設備状況・付帯物件:上水道 ・下水道 ・プロパンガス ・電気 ・庭 ・縁側
・駐車場:有 ・用途地域:無指定 ・土地権利:所有権
・接道状況:北 3.4m 公道・南西 3.6m 公道
・建ぺい率/容積率:60%/200% ・地目:宅地
・地勢:平坦 ・セットバック:要 8.4平方メートル

Nakanocho, Kasai City加西市中野町
Land:土地面積647 m²
Building:建物面積188 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1980
detached 加西市福居町
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detached 加西市福居町
detached 加西市福居町
detached 加西市福居町
detached 加西市福居町
detached 加西市福居町
detached 加西市福居町
detached 加西市福居町
detached 加西市福居町
detached 加西市福居町
detached 加西市福居町
detached 加西市福居町
detached 加西市福居町
detached 加西市福居町
Traditional houses for sale in Kasai Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationKasai Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県加西市

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USD $39,140
598 万円
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Equipment statusEquipment status設備状況

Facilities and attached properties: Open kitchen, running water, sewerage, propane gas

Electricity, drainage, lighting fixtures

Land rights: Ownership

Zoning: Undesignated

Building coverage ratio: 60%

Floor area ratio: 200%

Land use: Residential land

Topography: Flat
設備状況・付帯物件:オープンキッチン ・上水道 ・下水道 ・プロパンガス
・電気 ・側溝 ・照明器具
・土地権利:所有権 ・用途地域:無指定
・建ぺい率:60% ・容積率:200%
・地目:宅地 ・地勢:平坦

Fukui Town, Kasai City加西市福居町
Land:土地面積583 m²
Building:建物面積287 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1956
detached 加西市若井町
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detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
Traditional houses for rent in Kasai Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationKasai Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県加西市

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USD $236 / month
(¥36,000 / month)
3 万 6000 円 / 月
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Equipment statusEquipment status設備状況

Facilities and accessories: All-electric, separate bathroom and kitchen, separate shower and toilet, induction cooking heater

System kitchen, lighting fixtures, indoor washing machine space, hot water, garden

Parking for 3 or more cars
設備状況・付帯物件:オール電化 ・B,T別 ・シャワートイレ洗面所独立 ・IHクッキングヒーター
・システムキッチン ・照明器具 ・室内洗濯機置場 ・給湯 ・庭

Wakaicho, Kasai City加西市若井町
Key money:礼金2 months2ヶ月
Building:建物面積176 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor1階
Built in:建築年1920
detached 加西市王子町
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detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
detached 加西市王子町
Traditional houses for sale in Kasai Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationKasai Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県加西市

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USD $51,052
780 万円
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Equipment statusEquipment status設備状況

Facilities and attached properties: Window in bathroom, 2 toilets, 2 burner stove, Propane gas

Electricity, water supply, sewerage, garden, parking (3 or more cars)

Land rights: Ownership, Land use: Residential land, Zoning: Undesignated

Building coverage ratio: 60%, Floor area ratio: 200%, Current status: Vacant

Topography: Flat

※As is

※Seller is not liable for non-compliance with contract (including equipment failure)

※Boundary not specified

※Seller will remove any items left inside and outside the building before handing it over

※Reconstruction is possible as the house is not yet
設備状況・付帯物件:浴室に窓あり ・トイレ2か所 ・2口コンロ ・プロパンガス
・電気 ・上水道 ・下水道 ・庭 ・駐車場(3台以上)
・土地権利:所有権 ・地目:宅地 ・用途地域:無指定
・建ぺい率:60% ・容積率:200% ・現況:空室

Ojicho, Kasai City加西市王子町
Land:土地面積638 m²
Building:建物面積182 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1954
detached 兵庫県加西市網引町
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Traditional houses for sale in Kasai Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationKasai Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県加西市

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USD $9,818
150 万円

Setback required 2 stories Ready to move inセットバック要

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Amibiki Town, Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture兵庫県加西市網引町
Land:土地面積495 m²
Building:建物面積231 m²
Structure:構造Wooden two-story building木造 2階建
Built in:建築年1931
detached 加西市西剣坂町
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detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
detached 加西市西剣坂町
Traditional houses for sale in Kasai Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationKasai Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県加西市

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USD $19,504
298 万円
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Equipment statusEquipment status設備状況

Facilities and additional properties: Lighting direction: South, Land rights: Ownership, Road access: West / Road width approx. 2m

Land use: Residential land, Zoning: Undesignated, Urban planning: Urbanization control area

Building coverage ratio: 60%, Floor area ratio: 200%, Private road: No, Parking: Yes

Setback: Yes

Kansai Electric Power (Electricity), Individual propane (Gas), Well (Water), Septic tank (Wastewater)

Private bathroom, Japanese-style toilet, Indoor washing machine space

Underfloor storage, Private garden, Separate bathroom and toilet
設備状況・付帯物件:採光向き:南 ・土地権利:所有権 ・接道状況:西 / 道路幅員 約2m
・地目:宅地 ・用途地域:無指定 ・都市計画:市街化調整区域
・建ぺい率:60 % ・容積率:200 % ・私道有無:無 ・駐車場:有
・関西電力( 電気 ) ・個別プロパン( ガス ) ・井戸( 水道 ) ・汲み取り( 汚水 )
・専用バス ・和式トイレ ・室内洗濯機置き場
・床下収納 ・専用庭 ・バス・トイレセパレート

Nishikenzaka Town, Kasai City加西市西剣坂町
Land:土地面積377 m²
Building:建物面積202 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1889
detached 加西市若井町
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detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
detached 加西市若井町
Traditional houses for sale in Kasai Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationKasai Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県加西市

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USD $24,871
380 万円
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Equipment statusEquipment status設備状況

Facilities and attached properties: Individual propane, public water, propane gas, septic tank, mains water

Electricity, bath, toilet

Setback: None, Land use: Residential land, Rights: Ownership, Zoning: Not designated

Parking: Regular, 3 spaces
設備状況・付帯物件:個別プロパン ・公営水道 ・プロパンガス ・汲取り ・上水道
・電気 ・バス ・トイレ
・セットバック:無 ・地目:宅地 ・権利:所有権 ・用途地域:指定無
・駐車場:普通 3台

Wakaicho, Kasai City加西市若井町
Land:土地面積373 m²
Building:建物面積162 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1986
detached 兵庫県加西市上野町
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detached 兵庫県加西市上野町
detached 兵庫県加西市上野町
detached 兵庫県加西市上野町
detached 兵庫県加西市上野町
detached 兵庫県加西市上野町
detached 兵庫県加西市上野町
detached 兵庫県加西市上野町
detached 兵庫県加西市上野町
detached 兵庫県加西市上野町
detached 兵庫県加西市上野町
Traditional houses for sale in Kasai Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationKasai Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県加西市

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USD $16,363
250 万円

Mountain view, rural landscape, 2 stories山が見える

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Floor planFloor plan間取り



Can beあり

Uenocho, Kasai City, Hyogo Prefecture兵庫県加西市上野町
Land:土地面積603 m²
Building:建物面積219 m²
Structure:構造Wooden two-story building木造 2階建
Built in:建築年1936
detached 加西市西長町
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detached 加西市西長町
detached 加西市西長町
detached 加西市西長町
detached 加西市西長町
detached 加西市西長町
detached 加西市西長町
detached 加西市西長町
detached 加西市西長町
detached 加西市西長町
detached 加西市西長町
Traditional houses for sale in Kasai Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationKasai Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県加西市

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USD $37,961
580 万円
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Equipment statusEquipment status設備状況

Facilities and attached properties: Road access (two-way road): Public road 5.0m east, public road 2.0m west
Parking space available for 4 cars
Water supply, sewerage, electricity, garden, 2 toilets
*As-is delivery.
*Procedures under the Farmland Act may be required. In that case, the buyer will be responsible for the costs.
*The boundaries will be handed over as-is.
*Seller is exempt from liability for defects.
*The building's facilities will be handed over as-is.
*This property is currently unregistered. The seller will register the building at his/her expense and then hand it over.
*This p
設備状況・付帯物件:接道状況(二方道路):東 5.0m 公道 ・西 2.0m 公道
駐車場 有 4台分

Nishinagamachi, Kasai City加西市西長町
Land:土地面積592 m²
Building:建物面積318 m²
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1941
detached 加西市下芥田町
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detached 加西市下芥田町
Traditional houses for sale in Kasai Shi : Hyogo Ken

LocationKasai Shi, Hyogo Ken兵庫県加西市

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USD $32,398
495 万円
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Equipment statusEquipment status設備状況

Facilities and accessories: Propane gas, public water, drainage pumping

- Separate storage shed (unregistered, wooden, 57.35 m2, built in 1932)

- Water supply is shared pipe (managed by Kasai City)

- No public sewerage connection (main pipe is nearby so connection is possible)

- Sewerage beneficiary fee to be paid by buyer

- Demolition at seller's expense also negotiable
設備状況・付帯物件:プロパンガス 公営水道 排水汲取

Shimoakedacho, Kasai City加西市下芥田町
Land:土地面積486 m²
Building:建物面積104 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor1階
Built in:建築年1884

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Hyogo Ken

Settling in Hyogo

Hyogo Prefecture, nestled in the heart of Japan's Kansai region, boasts an alluring blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and economic opportunity, making it an outstanding choice for those considering relocation. Notably, Hyogo is home to the vibrant city of Kobe, known for its cosmopolitan atmosphere, delicious cuisine, and picturesque harbor views, but it also offers charming smaller cities and rural areas that provide a more laid-back lifestyle. The legendary Arima Onsen hot springs and the stunning Rokko Mountain range add to the prefecture's allure, providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation. One of the key advantages of Hyogo Ken is its relatively affordable housing market compared to other major metropolitan areas like Tokyo and Osaka. This makes it an ideal place for individuals and families seeking to buy a home without the exorbitant price tags typical of larger cities. Additionally, Hyogo's strong transportation links, including the Shinkansen (bullet train) and extensive rail networks, allow for easy commuting to neighboring cities while enjoying a more tranquil living environment. The prefecture also benefits from a diverse job market, with opportunities in industries such as technology, manufacturing, and tourism, making it conducive for newcomers in search of employment. With an inviting community spirit, rich history, and the right blend of urban and rural living, Hyogo Ken presents a unique option for those eager to discover their new home in Japan while enjoying a high quality of life at a more accessible price point.