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apartment 新宿2丁目
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apartment 新宿2丁目
apartment 新宿2丁目
apartment 新宿2丁目
apartment 新宿2丁目
apartment 新宿2丁目
Apartments for rent in Zushi Shi : Kanagawa Ken

LocationZushi Shi, Kanagawa Ken神奈川県逗子市

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USD $44 / month
(¥6,700 / month)
6700 円 / 月

As the name suggests, "Zushi Seaside Heights" is a retro apartment building located along Zushi Coast. Although it is an old building, the interior has been beautifully renovated and the facilities are new, so there is no inconvenience. It is on the 5th floor, so the view is not bad. The sea is not right in front of the room, but if you turn to the left, you will see the sea. You can see the condition of the waves. If you have a room facing the sea, the sea will directly hit the window on windy days, making maintenance a hassle, but this room faces sideways and has a balcony, so it is easier. However, the sea breeze is unavoidable. If you go through the path to the left of the entrance, you will reach R134. Every morning and evening, you can take a walk to the sea. Zushi Coast is a garden. What can I say? It's good that it is not boldly luxurious. The size is 1LDK. It is perfect for a second home, and it is not the latest resort apartment, but this retro feel. It is also recommended for couples who want to enjoy a relaxing life by the sea after retirement. I would be so proud if my grandparents' house was here. Why not give it as a present to your mom and dad to show your apprecia“逗子シーサイドハイツ”その名の通り、逗子海岸沿いに建つレトロマンション。古い建物ですが、室内は綺麗にリノベーションされていて設備も新しく、不自由はありません。5階なので、眺望も悪くない。お部屋からドーン!と目の前が海ではないけれど、左を向けばそこは海です。波の調子は俄然伺えます。海から正面のお部屋だと風が強い日には潮が直接窓についてお手入れが毎回大変だけど、横向きでなおかつバルコニーもあるので、比べてまだ楽。と言っても潮風は避けられないですが。エントランス左手の小道を抜けるとR134。毎朝、夕暮れ時のお散歩には海に。逗子海岸は庭です。なんて言うんでしょう。大胆な贅沢さがなくって良い。広さは1LDK。セカンドにもピッタリだし、最新リゾートマンションではなく、このレトロな感じ。勇退後にご夫婦でまったり海沿いライフにもおすすめです。おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんのお家がここだったら自慢だな〜。お父さん、お母さんにこれまでの感謝を込めてプレゼントにもいかがですか?

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Shinjuku 2-chome, Zushi City逗子市新宿2丁目
Building:建物面積51 m²
Scale:建物規模5th floor5階
Structure:構造8-story RC building with flat roofRC造陸屋根8階建て
Built in:建築年1971
apartment 入田3313-1
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apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
apartment 入田3313-1
Apartments for rent in Shimanto Shi : Kochi Ken

LocationShimanto Shi, Kochi Ken高知県四万十市

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USD $301 / month
(¥46,000 / month)
4 万 6000 円 / 月

Peaceful environment, sunny, renovatedのどかな環境です 日当たり良 リフォーム済

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3,300 yen per car (2nd car only for light vehicles)1台3,300円(2台目は軽のみ)

3313-1 Irita, Shimanto City四万十市入田3313-1
Security deposit:敷金-10,000 yen-万円
Key money:礼金-10,000 yen-万円
Land:土地面積60 m²
Building:建物面積61 m²
Scale:建物規模2-story building/1st and 2nd floors2階建/1,2階
Structure:構造2-story reinforced concrete building鉄筋コンクリート造2階建
Built in:建築年1986
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
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apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
apartment 田辺市上の山二丁目
Apartments for rent in Tanabe Shi : Wakayama Ken

LocationTanabe Shi, Wakayama Ken和歌山県田辺市

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USD $524 / month
(¥80,000 / month)
8 万円 / 月
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Tanabe City, Kaminoyama 2-chome田辺市上の山二丁目
Land:土地面積318 m²
Building:建物面積156 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories or more2階建以上
Built in:建築年1995
apartment 高松市今里町1丁目429-1
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apartment 高松市今里町1丁目429-1
apartment 高松市今里町1丁目429-1
apartment 高松市今里町1丁目429-1
apartment 高松市今里町1丁目429-1
apartment 高松市今里町1丁目429-1
apartment 高松市今里町1丁目429-1
apartment 高松市今里町1丁目429-1
apartment 高松市今里町1丁目429-1
Apartments for rent in Takamatsu Shi : Kagawa Ken

LocationTakamatsu Shi, Kagawa Ken香川県高松市

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USD $314 / month
(¥48,000 / month)
4 万 8000 円 / 月

"House for rent"「冨家貸家」

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1-429-1 Imazato-cho, Takamatsu-shi高松市今里町1丁目429-1
Security deposit:敷金3 months 144,000 yen3ヶ月 144,000円
Building:建物面積75 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Built in:建築年1968

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Chiba Ken

Settling in Chiba

Chiba, located just east of Tokyo, is a captivating prefecture that offers a unique blend of natural beauty, vibrant city life, and affordability, making it an ideal choice for those considering relocation to Japan. Unlike the bustling metropolis of Tokyo, Chiba provides a quieter lifestyle while still being easily accessible to the capital via the efficient train system, allowing for a seamless commute for work or leisure. Chiba boasts stunning coastal areas along the Pacific Ocean, perfect for water sports enthusiasts and beach lovers, with spots like Kujukuri Beach offering long sandy stretches for relaxation. Additionally, the prefecture is home to various cultural landmarks, including the historic Naritasan Shinshoji Temple and the famed Chiba Zoo, catering to families and individuals seeking a rich cultural experience. When it comes to real estate, Chiba stands out for its affordability, with property prices significantly lower than those found in Tokyo or Kanagawa. This allows prospective buyers to secure larger homes, often with gardens or more spacious layouts, all within a reasonable budget. The prefecture's diverse neighborhoods range from urban areas like Chiba City, which has a vibrant nightlife and shopping scene, to picturesque rural towns that provide a peaceful countryside lifestyle. Overall, Chiba Ken is an enticing option for anyone looking to buy affordable property while enjoying the benefits of both nature and proximity to Japan's bustling capital.