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detached 玉川10449他
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detached 玉川10449他
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detached 玉川10449他
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detached 玉川10449他
detached 玉川10449他
Traditional houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $83,060
1300 万円

The property comes with a storehouse built in 1868 (estimated from the tax register), a garden with a pond, and a field where you can grow your own vegetables.明治元年(課税台帳より推定)に建てられた蔵や池のある庭、家庭菜園のできる畑が付いています。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6SDK (DK, 3 Japanese-style rooms (8 tatami mats), 2 Japanese-style rooms (6 tatami mats), 1 Western-style room (8 tatami mats), storeroom)6SDK(DK、和室8帖×3、6帖×2、洋室8帖×1、納戸)



10449 Tamagawa, Chino City, etc.茅野市玉川10449他
Land:土地面積933 m²
Building:建物面積161 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階
Built in:建築年1983
detached 茅野市北山1093番
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detached 茅野市北山1093番
detached 茅野市北山1093番
detached 茅野市北山1093番
Traditional houses in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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Yukawa near the old Daimon Highway in Kitayama, Chino City. The building needs to be renovated and the equipment replaced. Or it could be demolished and a new house built. A permit to convert the land to farmland on the east side is required.茅野市北山旧大門街道近くの湯川。建物は改築と設備の交換が必要です。もしくは解体し新しく家を建ててもよいと思います。東側の土地の農地転用許可申請を必要とします。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

Not clear不明

1093 Kitayama, Chino City茅野市北山1093番
Land:土地面積489 m²
Building:建物面積139 m²
Built in:建築年1894
detached 長野県茅野市北山
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detached 長野県茅野市北山
detached 長野県茅野市北山
detached 長野県茅野市北山
detached 長野県茅野市北山
detached 長野県茅野市北山
Traditional houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $18,529
290 万円

This 2LDK has a unique layout with a split-level floor plan. The building was completed in 1980, but the structure is solid and will continue to be used for a long time to come. The wooden deck needs repairs as the floorboards are corroded, and the water heater needs to be replaced.スキップフロアの少しユニークな間取の2LDKです。昭和55年完成の建物ですが躯体はしっかりとしていて、これから先も十分にお使い頂けます。ウッドデッキは床板が腐食しているので修理が必要です、給湯器は交換を前提としてお考え下さい。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Kitayama, Chino City, Nagano Prefecture長野県茅野市北山
Land:土地面積1697 m²
Building:建物面積66 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Structure:構造Two-story wooden structure木造2階建
Built in:建築年1980
detached 湖東笹原
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detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
detached 湖東笹原
Traditional houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $44,725
700 万円

For those who long for an old-style house, this is an affordable one-story old-style house. It has been standing in the Sasahara community for 100 years. The sound of the clear stream in the garden is also soothing. You can also grow your own vegetables in the garden. I would like to give it to someone who will cherish the owner's thoughts and the rows of houses in the village.古民家にあこがれをお持ちの方にはお手頃な平家古民家です。笹原集落に佇んで100年。庭先の清流の音にも癒されます。庭で家庭菜園も可能。オーナーの思いや集落の家並みを大切にしてくれる方にお譲りしたいです。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

4K (storage shed and storehouse available)4K(物置と蔵あり。)


Yes (on-site parking) Number of spaces: 2有 (敷地内駐車) 台数:2台あり

Chino City Lake East Sasahara茅野市湖東笹原
Land:土地面積400 m²
Building:建物面積115 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor above ground地上1階
Built in:建築年1924
detached 長野県茅野市
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detached 長野県茅野市
detached 長野県茅野市
detached 長野県茅野市
detached 長野県茅野市
detached 長野県茅野市
Traditional houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $21,085
330 万円

Although there will be some defects, this may be a great opportunity to own an authentic log cabin with a wood stove in a convenient location!不具合が前提になりますが、利便性の良い場所に薪ストーブ付きの本格丸太ログハウスをご所有するいい機会かもしれません!

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

3LDK+S (storeroom)3LDK+S(納戸)

Miyagawa, Chino City, Nagano Prefecture長野県茅野市宮川
Land:土地面積833 m²
Building:建物面積103 m²
Structure:構造3-story wooden building木造3階建
Built in:建築年1993
detached 茅野市北山
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detached 茅野市北山
detached 茅野市北山
detached 茅野市北山
detached 茅野市北山
Traditional houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $18,529
290 万円
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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Kitayama, Chino City茅野市北山
Land:土地面積1679 m²
Building:建物面積66 m²
Built in:建築年1980
detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
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detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
detached 茅野市宮川安国寺3689
Traditional houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $10,862
170 万円

This old house is located in a quiet residential area. Recommended for those who want to enjoy the nature of Chino City, including the dogtooth violets colony.閑静な住宅地にある古民家です。カタクリ群生地をはじめとした茅野市の自然を楽しみたい方におススメです。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

3DK (detached room, outdoor bath)3DK(離れ、外風呂あり)



Miyagawa Ankokuji Temple 3689宮川安国寺3689
Land:土地面積198 m²
Building:建物面積89 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor above ground地上1階
detached 長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る
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detached 長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る
detached 長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る
detached 長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る
detached 長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る
detached 長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る
detached 長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る
detached 長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る
detached 長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る
detached 長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る
detached 長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る
Traditional houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $28,752
450 万円
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長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る長野県茅野市北山 地図を見る
Land:土地面積595 m²
Building:建物面積52 m²
Built in:建築年1976
detached 茅野市中大塩22-79
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detached 茅野市中大塩22-79
detached 茅野市中大塩22-79
detached 茅野市中大塩22-79
detached 茅野市中大塩22-79
Traditional houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $83,060
1300 万円

The area of the land is subtracted for the setback. The area may change after setback. There is a storehouse built in the first year of the Meiji period on the south side of the site.商談中となります(令和7年1月9日)

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

DK, Japanese-style room 8 tatami x 3, 6 tatami x 2, Western-style room 8 tatami x 1, closetK6帖・D8帖・和室6帖×2・洋室8帖・洋室12帖

10449 Tamagawa, Chino City茅野市中大塩22-79
Land:土地面積292 m²
Building:建物面積117 m²
Built in:建築年1992
detached 茅野市北山5513番地1 
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detached 茅野市北山5513番地1 
detached 茅野市北山5513番地1 
detached 茅野市北山5513番地1 
detached 茅野市北山5513番地1 
Traditional houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $28,752
450 万円

This is a 2-story 3LDK villa located in the Angel Resort Tateshina villa area. There is a wood stove and a terrace on the 2nd floor where you can enjoy the outdoor atmosphere and use it as a summer resort. [Remarks] ・Name change fee: 330,000 yen (tax included) ・Administration fee: 45,753 yen/year (tax included) ・Land rent: 66,240 yen/year +170 yen will be charged each time it exceeds.) ・Facilities Major Repair Fund Fee: 400,000 yen ・It will be a sectional ownership building and cannot be rebuilt. Reform is possible. [Details of Renovation] The building was completely renovated in April 2008.・Outer wall ⇒ Boarding, siding replacement ・Roof ⇒ Galvalume steel plate roof replacement ・Pillar ⇒ Seismic reinforcement, hole-down hardware ・Base ⇒ Partial replacement ・Washbowl, toilet bowl, bathtub replacement Kindnessエンゼルリゾート蓼科別荘地内にある、2階建て3LDKの間取りの別荘となります。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


5513-1 Kitayama, Chino City茅野市北山5513番地1 
Land:土地面積720 m²
Building:建物面積69 m²
Built in:建築年1977

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Nagano Ken

Settling in Nagano

Nagano Prefecture, known for its stunning mountain ranges, lush greenery, and hot springs, offers an idyllic lifestyle for those relocating to Japan. Outdoor enthusiasts will thrive here, with abundant opportunities for skiing, hiking, and enjoying fresh air. The region is also rich in cultural experiences, featuring picturesque temples and traditional festivals. Finding affordable housing in Nagano Ken can be more feasible when compared to larger urban centers like Tokyo or Osaka. While the prices can vary significantly based on specific locations, generally, properties in smaller towns and rural areas of Nagano are quite reasonable. Popular areas like Matsumoto or Nagano City may have higher prices, but they are still more accessible than major metropolitan areas. Quality of life in Nagano Ken is often regarded as high, thanks to its low pollution levels, slower pace of life, and strong community ties. The region's rich agricultural land means access to fresh, locally grown food, contributing to a healthier lifestyle. In terms of cost of living, Nagano Ken is relatively lower compared to urbanized areas. Utilities and transportation costs are also generally more affordable, making it an attractive option for those looking for a balance between nature and convenience. In summary, Nagano Ken offers a peaceful lifestyle with affordable housing options, excellent quality of life, and a lower cost of living compared to Japan's major cities.