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The property is in a good location facing a main road close to Kanazawa Station. There are no partitions or equipment inside, so it can be arranged freely. Before it can be used, structural reinforcement and renovation of the exterior and interior are required.金沢駅にほど近い主要道に面し立地条件は良い物件である。内部は間仕切・設備機器などがなく、自由に配置可能。使用に当たっては、構造補強及び外観・内部の改修が必要である。
Security deposit:敷金 | 2 months2ヶ月 |
Key money:礼金 | 1 month1ヶ月 |
Building:建物面積 | 60 m² |
Structure:構造 | Two-story wooden building木造2階建て |
Built in:建築年 | 1920 |
This large property is located in a residential area near Nagamachi Chuo-dori and facing Chotsugi-kai Hiromi. The exterior has been almost completely renovated, with some historical design remaining on the second floor. The interior has been completely renovated except for some Japanese-style rooms. The Japanese-style rooms retain their historical design and there are many rooms. This property also has a secured parking space, which is rare in the city center.長町・中央通りに近接し長継会広見に面した住宅の一角にある大型の物件である。外観はほぼ改修済で2階の一部に歴史的意匠が残る。内部は一部の和室以外全て改修済でる。和室には歴史的意匠が残っており部屋数も多い。まちなかでは珍しく駐車スペースも確保されている物件である。
Security deposit:敷金 | 6 months6ヶ月 |
Key money:礼金 | Nothing無 |
Building:建物面積 | 225 m² |
Structure:構造 | Two-story wooden building木造2階建て |
Built in:建築年 | 1890 |
Located within the Important Cultural Property District at the foot of Mt. Utatsu, the exterior and structural repairs were completed in 2020. The first floor is paved with crushed stone, so interior work such as converting it into a dirt floor and laying a floor is required before it can be used. Water, sewage, and gas are installed inside the building, so it can be used after installation work is completed.卯辰山麓重伝建地区内であり、2020年に外観と構造の修理を終えている。一階床は砕石敷きの為、使用の際は土間にする・床を張るなど内装工事が必要。水廻りは、建物内に上下水道、ガスが引き込まれているため設備工事を行えば使用が可能。
Security deposit:敷金 | 2 months2ヶ月 |
Key money:礼金 | 1 month1ヶ月 |
Building:建物面積 | 48 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | Two-story wooden building木造2階建て |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1920 |
The house is located on an alley adjacent to the Teramachi Daiju Traditional Building District. The exterior has a gabled roof and clapboard facade, giving it the look of a traditional townhouse. The interior has been renovated in a modern style, but traditional elements can still be seen in parts of the second floor. The road is narrow, so it is best suited to those who do not often drive.寺町台重伝建地区に隣接する小路に建つ。外観は入母屋造りの屋根、正面の押縁下見板に町家としての面影を残す。内部は今風に改装されているが、2階の一部に伝統的な意匠が見られる。道幅が狭いため、車を頻繁に使用しない方に向いている。
Security deposit:敷金 | 1 month1ヶ月 |
Key money:礼金 | Noneなし |
Building:建物面積 | 81 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | Two-story wooden building木造2階建て |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1926 |
【町営住宅】若者定住促進住宅 南町世帯用3DK☆富濃 2部屋募集【No.A201、D208】。家賃:所得区分により1ヶ月33,000円~47,000円。入居時、世帯主が40歳以下。【町営住宅】若者定住促進住宅 南町世帯用3DK☆富濃 2部屋募集【No.A201、D208】。家賃:所得区分により1ヶ月33,000円~47,000円。入居時、世帯主が40歳以下。
Security deposit:敷金 | 家賃の3ヶ月(入居時に徴収、退去時に還付)家賃の3ヶ月(入居時に徴収、退去時に還付) |
Key money:礼金 | 家賃:所得区分により1ヶ月33,000円~47,000円家賃:所得区分により1ヶ月33,000円~47,000円 |
Building:建物面積 | 60 m² |
Structure:構造 | 軽量鉄骨軽量鉄骨 |
Built in:建築年 | 1998 |
The selling points of this property are the large living/dining room and bathroom with reheating function, and plenty of storage space. There is also a 33 sq. m. garden and a covered garage. Kamioka Elementary School, a convenience store, city hall, hospital, and bank are located nearby.大きなリビングダイニングとお風呂は追い炊き機能付き、たくさんの収納スペースがあるのが売りの物件です。ガーデニング用の庭が10坪や屋根付きガレージも完備してます。近くには、神岡小学校やコンビニ、市役所、病院、銀行があります。
Security deposit:敷金 | Deposit 2 months敷金 2 ヶ月 |
Key money:礼金 | Key money 1 month礼金 1 ヶ月 |
Land:土地面積 | 164 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 132 m² |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1968 |
This property is in a great location, close to the old townscape of Hida Furukawa. It was renovated in 2024 and is now very comfortable to live in. This property is recommended for both single people and families.飛騨古川の古い町並みから程近い、ロケーションのいい物件です。2024年に改修し、とても住みやすくなっています。単身の方にもファミリーにもオススメできる物件です。
Security deposit:敷金 | Deposit 1 month敷金 1 ヶ月 |
Key money:礼金 | Key money 1 month礼金 1 ヶ月 |
Land:土地面積 | 42 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 122 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2 stories2階建て |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1968 |
The Chubu region is one of Japan's major geographical regions, situated in the central part of the country's main island, Honshu. Chubu is known for its diverse landscape, which includes coastal areas along the Pacific Ocean, mountainous regions, and urban centers. The Chubu region is home to several significant cities, including Nagoya, the largest city in the region.
Housing affordability in the Chubu region can vary widely depending on the specific location. In cities like Nagoya, housing costs are relatively lower compared to Tokyo or Osaka, making it a more affordable option for urban living. In rural areas of Chubu, you may find more affordable housing options, including traditional Japanese homes and abandoned properties, which can be renovated at a lower cost. Some areas within commuting distance of Nagoya may offer a balance of affordability and access to urban job opportunities.