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Land for sale in Kurume Shi : Fukuoka Ken

LocationKurume Shi, Fukuoka Ken福岡県久留米市

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USD $3,946
60 万円

This land was owned by my late grandfather and was used for rice fields, farmland, and planting. Since he passed away, it has not been used and I would like to give it to someone who can use it. This land is farmland. It is difficult to convert farmland to other uses in this area, so I would like it to be used as farmland. In addition, permission from the agricultural committee is required to purchase. Since farmland cultivation is a prerequisite, there seem to be permission criteria such as being able to cultivate for more than 150 days a year and living nearby (being able to commute to the farmland). I would appreciate it if you would consider the above points. The area is 980㎡, 3,503㎡, 612㎡, and 659㎡, with 13 plots in 4 locations, totaling 5,754㎡. The land use is rice field or field. It is a large area. I think there will be a separate review from the agricultural committee, so I would like to ask someone who can understand. The surrounding area is also farmland, so it is sunny. Also, as far as I can see from the map, all four locations face roads (including narrow roads such as farm roads). However, since my grandfather passed away, the land has not been well maintained. I can亡くなった祖父が所有していた土地で、田んぼ、畑、植木で使用していました。祖父が亡くなってからは利用出来ておらず、活用していただける方にお譲りしたいと考えています。この土地は農地となります。農地から他への用途転用も難しい地域ですので、農地としてご活用いただければと考えております。また、ご購入には農業委員会の許可が必要となります。農地耕作が前提となりますので、原則として年150日以上の耕作が可能である、近隣に住んでいる(農地に通える)などの許可基準があるようです。以上の点をご理解いただいた上で、ご検討いただけますと幸いです。面積は980㎡、3,503㎡、612㎡、659㎡となり4か所13筆、計5,754㎡となります。地目は田もしくは畑です。広大な面積になっています。農業委員会からの審査が別途あるかと思いますので、ご理解いただける方にお願いしたいです。周囲も農地なので、日当たりが良いです。また地図で確認する限り4か所とも道路(農道など細い道を含む)に面しています。ただ、祖父が亡くなってから手入れが行き届いていません。建築物は確認できませんが、一部植木に利用していたのでまだ木がある土地があります。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

Total 5,754㎡ (4 locations, 13 lots)計5,754㎡(4か所、13筆)

Tanushimarucho, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture福岡県久留米市田主丸町
Land:土地面積5754 m²
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Land for sale in Fukutsu Shi : Fukuoka Ken

LocationFukutsu Shi, Fukuoka Ken福岡県福津市

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USD $32,887
500 万円

Just across the bridge from Tsuyazaki Sengen, there is an area called Watari. Watari, located at the foot of Mt. Omine, is a very peaceful place surrounded by mountains and the sea. This area has been around for a long time, and the neighborhood relationships are strong, just like in the old days. When you arrive in this town with such human kindness, you can feel a warmth that you can't find in the city. The place I'd like to introduce to you today is located along the path opposite the Watari Community Center. Currently used as a plum orchard, it may seem small at first glance, but it is a generous 280 square meters. Why not leave at least one of these plum trees and build a house where you can work on plums? Looking around, there are also impressive and splendid Japanese houses remaining, and you can see that they are built in a way that is suited to traditional lifestyles. I long for a house with a small veranda and a sunny drying area. Many people in Watari make their own pickled plums, so it's a good idea to visit them when you're out and about. Why not live a life that warms both body and soul in Watari?津屋崎千軒から橋を渡った先に、渡という地域があります。大峰山の麓にあるここ渡は、山と海に囲まれたとてものどかなところです。古くから続くこの一帯は、昔ながらのご近所付き合いも濃厚です。そういった人情味のあるまちには、降り立ったとき都会にはない温かさを感じられます。今回ご紹介するのは、渡区公民館向かいの小道沿いにあります。現在は梅の果樹園として使われており、一見狭く感じられますが、87坪の十分な広さ。せっかくなら、この梅の木を一本でも残して梅仕事のできるお家が建てられないものか。まわりを見渡せば堂々たる立派な日本家屋も残っていて、昔ながらの生活に適った造りであることがわかります。ちょっとした縁側と、日当たりのいい干場のあるお家に憧れます。渡なら自家製梅干しを作っている方も多いですから、出事ついでに尋ねてみるのもいいですね。身も心も温かな生活を渡の地で送ってみませんか。

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Usage situationUsage situation利用状況

There are plants植木あり

1323 Watari, Fukutsu City福津市渡1323番
Land:土地面積290 m²
Scale:建物規模87.9 tsubo87.9坪
Structure:構造Residential land宅地
 宗像市武丸 (地番[字大藪2263-24])
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Land for sale in Munakata Shi : Fukuoka Ken

LocationMunakata Shi, Fukuoka Ken福岡県宗像市

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USD $3,618
55 万円

◇Recommended for storing materials, vegetable gardening, and private camping♪ ◇Great view!! ◇Good sunlight ◇Delivered as is ◇Private road available ◇Please feel free to contact us for details♪ Person in charge: Oishi◇資材置場、家庭菜園、プライベートキャンプにオススメです♪ ◇眺望良好!! ◇日当たり良好  ◇現況渡し ◇私道持ち分あり  ◇詳細はお気軽にお問い合わせくださいませ♪ 担当:大石

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Usage situationUsage situation利用状況

Vacant land更地

Takemaru, Munakata City (Land number [Oyabu 2263-24])宗像市武丸 (地番[字大藪2263-24])
Land:土地面積111 m²
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Land for sale in Munakata Shi : Fukuoka Ken

LocationMunakata Shi, Fukuoka Ken福岡県宗像市

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USD $3,946
60 万円

★Suitable for storing materials, etc. ★Approximately 152m² ★On-site guidance available ★Please feel free to contact us! [T-000]★資材置場等に適しております ★約47坪 ★現地案内可能です ★お気軽にお問い合わせください!【T-000】

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Usage situationUsage situation利用状況

Vacant land更地

Ikeda, Munakata City宗像市池田
Land:土地面積158 m²
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Land for sale in Miyako Machi : Fukuoka Ken

LocationMiyako Machi, Fukuoka Ken福岡県みやこ町

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USD $3,946
60 万円
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Usage situationUsage situation利用状況

Vacant land更地

1676-4, 1677-6 Matsuda, Katsuyama, Miyako-cho, Kyoto-gun京都郡みやこ町勝山松田1676-4,1677-6
Land:土地面積165 m²
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Land for sale in Nakagawa Machi : Fukuoka Ken

LocationNakagawa Machi, Fukuoka Ken福岡県那珂川町

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USD $26,309
400 万円

Get a nice view心地よい風景を手に入れよう

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Usage situationUsage situation利用状況

Buying and selling売買

Nakagawa City, Narita那珂川市大字成竹
Land:土地面積518 m²
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Land for sale in Toho Mura : Fukuoka Ken

LocationToho Mura, Fukuoka Ken福岡県東峰村

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USD $19,732
300 万円
USD $197 / month
(¥30,000 / month)
3 万円 / 月

・Located on high ground with a great view ・Please note that part of the land is in a landslide hazard zone, so construction is not possible in that area. (See attached image)・高台で眺望が良い

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Usage situationUsage situation利用状況

Rental and sales賃貸・売買

3766 Oishiwara Tsuzumi, Toho Village, Asakura District, Fukuoka Prefecture福岡県朝倉郡東峰村大字小石原鼓3766
Security deposit:敷金Rent: 30,000 yen per month賃貸:月額3万円
Land:土地面積357 m²
 糸島市有田 (地番[字小松原894-5])
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Land for sale in Itoshima Shi : Fukuoka Ken

LocationItoshima Shi, Fukuoka Ken福岡県糸島市

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USD $3,618
55 万円

◇Recommended for storing materials, vegetable gardens, container storage, etc. ◇Good sunlight☆ ◇No construction ◇Delivery as is ◇Private roads are also included in the sale. ◇We can provide a tour of the site, so please feel free to contact us! ◇Person in charge: Watari◇資材置き場・家庭菜園用地・コンテナ置き場などにオススメです♪ ◇日当たり良好☆ ◇建築不可 ◇現況渡し ◇私道持分も売買対象に含みます。 ◇現地案内可能ですので、お気軽にお問い合わせくださいませ! ◇担当者:渡

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Usage situationUsage situation利用状況

Vacant land更地

Arita, Itoshima City (Land number [Komatsubara 894-5])糸島市有田 (地番[字小松原894-5])
Land:土地面積88 m²
 福岡市西区大字女原 (地番[字万徳363-141])
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Land for sale in Fukuoka Shi : Fukuoka Ken

LocationFukuoka Shi, Fukuoka Ken福岡県福岡市

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USD $3,946
60 万円

◇Recommended for camping! Why not secure your own private space? ◇Shared ownership available ◇Please feel free to contact us for details♪ Person in charge: Watari◇キャンプ用地にオススメ!!自分だけのプライベート空間を確保してみませんか? ◇共有持分あり ◇詳細はお気軽にお問い合わせくださいませ♪ 担当者:渡

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Usage situationUsage situation利用状況

Vacant land更地

Fukuoka City Nishi Ward Oaza Onnahara (Land number [Aza Mantoku 363-141])福岡市西区大字女原 (地番[字万徳363-141])
Land:土地面積120 m²
 行橋市大字長木 (地番[320番71])
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Land for sale in Yukuhashi Shi : Fukuoka Ken

LocationYukuhashi Shi, Fukuoka Ken福岡県行橋市

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USD $3,289
50 万円
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Usage situationUsage situation利用状況

Vacant land更地

Nagaki, Yukuhashi City (Land number [320-71])行橋市大字長木 (地番[320番71])
Land:土地面積126 m²

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Fukuoka Ken

Settling in Fukuoka

Fukuoka, located on the northern shore of Kyushu, is increasingly becoming a favored destination for those considering relocation to Japan, thanks to its unique blend of urban and natural attractions. One of its most significant advantages is its affordability; compared to major metropolitan areas like Tokyo and Osaka, Fukuoka offers a lower cost of living and more reasonably priced properties, making it appealing for first-time homebuyers and those seeking a more wallet-friendly lifestyle. The prefecture boasts a rich cultural heritage, characterized by its vibrant festivals and historical sites, such as the iconic Fukuoka Castle ruins. Additionally, the city of Fukuoka is known for its modern amenities, excellent healthcare facilities, and robust infrastructure, including an efficient public transportation system that makes commuting easy. Nature enthusiasts will appreciate the proximity to stunning landscapes, including beaches, mountains, and hot springs, providing plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities year-round. The local cuisine is also a highlight, famed for its fresh seafood and the popular Hakata ramen. Moreover, Fukuoka is recognized as one of Japan’s most livable cities, with a youthful vibe, numerous parks, and a emerging startup scene, making it an inviting location for expats. For those considering a move, Fukuoka Ken not only offers affordable housing options but also a high quality of life, rich culture, and a welcoming community, setting it apart from other prefectures in Japan.