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detached 群馬県みどり市大間々町高津戸564
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detached 群馬県みどり市大間々町高津戸564
Traditional houses for sale in Midori Shi : Gunma Ken

LocationMidori Shi, Gunma Ken群馬県みどり市

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USD $34,950
500 万円
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Can beあり

564 Takatsudo, Omamacho, Midori City, Gunma Prefecture群馬県みどり市大間々町高津戸564
Land:土地面積933 m²
Building:建物面積179 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden building with tiled and slate roofing木造瓦・スレート葺2階建
Built in:建築年2022
detached 山王町
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Traditional houses for rent in Isesaki Shi : Gunma Ken

LocationIsesaki Shi, Gunma Ken群馬県伊勢崎市

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USD $615 / month
(¥88,000 / month)
8 万 8000 円 / 月
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Sanno Town山王町
Land:土地面積499 m²
Building:建物面積121 m²
Built in:建築年1962
detached 桐生市錦町2丁目9-11
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detached 桐生市錦町2丁目9-11
detached 桐生市錦町2丁目9-11
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detached 桐生市錦町2丁目9-11
detached 桐生市錦町2丁目9-11
detached 桐生市錦町2丁目9-11
Traditional houses in Kiryu Shi : Gunma Ken

LocationKiryu Shi, Gunma Ken群馬県桐生市

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Urban housing near Hello Workハローワーク近くのまちなか住宅

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2-9-11 Nishikicho, Kiryu City桐生市錦町2丁目9-11
Land:土地面積263 m²
Building:建物面積165 m²
Structure:構造One-story wooden building with galvanized steel roofing, pa木造亜鉛メッキ鋼板葺平家建、一部木造瓦葺2階建
Built in:建築年2017
detached 群馬県安中市鷺宮
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detached 群馬県安中市鷺宮
detached 群馬県安中市鷺宮
detached 群馬県安中市鷺宮
detached 群馬県安中市鷺宮
detached 群馬県安中市鷺宮
detached 群馬県安中市鷺宮
detached 群馬県安中市鷺宮
detached 群馬県安中市鷺宮
detached 群馬県安中市鷺宮
detached 群馬県安中市鷺宮
Traditional houses for sale in Annaka Shi : Gunma Ken

LocationAnnaka Shi, Gunma Ken群馬県安中市

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USD $96,461
1380 万円

Interior renovated Exterior renovated Interior and exterior renovated Within 10 minutes walk from elementary school Quiet residential area Old-style house内装リフォーム済

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Yes Normal: 2 unitsあり 普通:2台

Saginomiya, Annaka City, Gunma Prefecture群馬県安中市鷺宮
Land:土地面積331 m²
Building:建物面積99 m²
Structure:構造Wooden one-story building木造 1階建
Built in:建築年1973
detached 群馬県安中市中野谷 周辺情報を調べる
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Traditional houses for sale in Annaka Shi : Gunma Ken

LocationAnnaka Shi, Gunma Ken群馬県安中市

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USD $13,980
200 万円

"No.158 (Nakanotani)"「No.158(中野谷)」


This is a farmhouse in a quiet area. Farmland can also be purchased, so it is recommended for those interested in agriculture.閑静な地域にある農家住宅です。農地も一緒に購入可能ですので、農業に興味がある人におすすめです。

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Nakanotani, Annaka City, Gunma Prefecture Check the surrounding area群馬県安中市中野谷 周辺情報を調べる
Land:土地面積463 m²
Building:建物面積211 m²
Scale:建物規模2-story / -2階建 / -
Built in:建築年1939
detached 大字馬山
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detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
detached 大字馬山
Traditional houses for sale in Shimonita Machi : Gunma Ken

LocationShimonita Machi, Gunma Ken群馬県下仁田町

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USD $17,475
250 万円

3 minutes to Shimonita IC. Conveniently located one-story property with a roadside station just a short walk away. Comes with a storage shed (2 stories) and a large garden (field) with a pond (spring water) and fruit trees.下仁田ICまで3分。道の駅も歩いてすぐの便利な平屋建の物件。物置(2階建)と池(湧き水)や果樹がある広い庭(畑)も付帯

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1st floor: 6 tatami Japanese-style room, 2 x 4.5 tatami Japanese-style rooms, 3 tatami Japanese-style room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet1階:和室6畳、和室4.5畳×2、和室3畳,キッチン、浴室、トイレ


Available (about 2 cars)有(2台程度)

Shimonita Town, Shimonita下仁田町大字馬山
Land:土地面積519 m²
Building:建物面積66 m²
Scale:建物規模One-story house平屋建
Structure:構造One-story wooden building木造平屋建
detached 群馬県吾妻郡草津町大字草津
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detached 群馬県吾妻郡草津町大字草津
detached 群馬県吾妻郡草津町大字草津
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detached 群馬県吾妻郡草津町大字草津
detached 群馬県吾妻郡草津町大字草津
detached 群馬県吾妻郡草津町大字草津
Traditional houses for sale in Kusatsu Machi : Gunma Ken

LocationKusatsu Machi, Gunma Ken群馬県草津町

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USD $908,688
13000 万円

"Kusatsu 130 million yen"「大字草津 1億3000万円」

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7LDK+S (storage room)
7LDK+S (storage room)


Car spaceカースペース

Kusatsu, Kusatsu-machi, Agatsuma-gun, Gunma Prefecture群馬県吾妻郡草津町大字草津
Land:土地面積733 m²
Building:建物面積309 m²
Structure:構造Wooden building, 2 floors, 1 basement floor木造2階地下1階建
Built in:建築年1975
detached 群馬県富岡市富岡
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detached 群馬県富岡市富岡
detached 群馬県富岡市富岡
detached 群馬県富岡市富岡
detached 群馬県富岡市富岡
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detached 群馬県富岡市富岡
detached 群馬県富岡市富岡
Traditional houses for sale in Tomioka Shi : Gunma Ken

LocationTomioka Shi, Gunma Ken群馬県富岡市

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USD $524,243
7500 万円

"Tomioka (Joshu Tomioka Station) 75 million yen"「富岡(上州富岡駅) 7500万円」

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8DK+S (storage room)
8DK+S (storage room)


Car spaceカースペース

Tomioka, Tomioka City, Gunma Prefecture群馬県富岡市富岡
Land:土地面積1767 m²
Building:建物面積210 m²
Structure:構造One-story wooden building木造1階建
Built in:建築年1979
detached 安中市安中
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detached 安中市安中
detached 安中市安中
detached 安中市安中
Traditional houses for sale in Annaka Shi : Gunma Ken

LocationAnnaka Shi, Gunma Ken群馬県安中市

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USD $230,667
3300 万円

Front road 6m or more 2 stories前道6m以上

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〒370-3344 373 Nakasatomicho, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture安中市安中
Land:土地面積702 m²
Building:建物面積259 m²
Structure:構造Wooden two-story building木造 2階建
Built in:建築年1989
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
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detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
detached 群馬県高崎市昭和町
Traditional houses for sale in Takasaki Shi : Gunma Ken

LocationTakasaki Shi, Gunma Ken群馬県高崎市

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USD $110,441
1580 万円

Setback required 2-storey Reconstruction not possibleセットバック要

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Can beあり

Showa-cho, Takasaki City, Gunma Prefecture群馬県高崎市昭和町
Land:土地面積267 m²
Building:建物面積187 m²
Structure:構造Wooden two-story building木造 2階建
Built in:建築年1954

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Gunma Ken

Settling in Gunma

Gunma Prefecture, nestled in the lush mountains of Japan's Honshu island, is an exceptional choice for those considering relocation, especially for homebuyers seeking affordability and natural beauty. Known for its picturesque landscapes, Gunma boasts stunning natural parks and hot springs, most notably the iconic Kusatsu Onsen, which is often regarded as one of Japan’s finest hot spring resorts. The local culture offers a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, evident in its historical sites, such as the Tomioka Silk Mill, a UNESCO World Heritage site. What sets Gunma apart from other prefectures is its formidable outdoor lifestyle; whether it’s hiking in the vibrant hills or skiing in the winter, there’s something for everyone. Importantly, the real estate market in Gunma is notably more affordable compared to urban centers like Tokyo and Osaka, making it an attractive option for prospective homeowners. Many charming towns, such as Takasaki and Maebashi, provide easy access to daily amenities and commuting options while retaining that idyllic rural charm. The costs for purchasing homes are significantly lower than those in metropolitan areas, appealing to families, remote workers, or retirees looking for value. In addition, Gunma’s well-developed infrastructure and community focus assure a welcoming environment, making it not just a destination to live but a place to flourish. In summary, Gunma Prefecture offers a unique blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and affordability, making it a compelling choice for relocation in Japan.