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apartment 新宿2丁目
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apartment 新宿2丁目
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apartment 新宿2丁目
Apartments for rent in Zushi Shi : Kanagawa Ken

LocationZushi Shi, Kanagawa Ken神奈川県逗子市

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USD $44 / month
(¥6,700 / month)
6700 円 / 月

As the name suggests, "Zushi Seaside Heights" is a retro apartment building located along Zushi Coast. Although it is an old building, the interior has been beautifully renovated and the facilities are new, so there is no inconvenience. It is on the 5th floor, so the view is not bad. The sea is not right in front of the room, but if you turn to the left, you will see the sea. You can see the condition of the waves. If you have a room facing the sea, the sea will directly hit the window on windy days, making maintenance a hassle, but this room faces sideways and has a balcony, so it is easier. However, the sea breeze is unavoidable. If you go through the path to the left of the entrance, you will reach R134. Every morning and evening, you can take a walk to the sea. Zushi Coast is a garden. What can I say? It's good that it is not boldly luxurious. The size is 1LDK. It is perfect for a second home, and it is not the latest resort apartment, but this retro feel. It is also recommended for couples who want to enjoy a relaxing life by the sea after retirement. I would be so proud if my grandparents' house was here. Why not give it as a present to your mom and dad to show your apprecia“逗子シーサイドハイツ”その名の通り、逗子海岸沿いに建つレトロマンション。古い建物ですが、室内は綺麗にリノベーションされていて設備も新しく、不自由はありません。5階なので、眺望も悪くない。お部屋からドーン!と目の前が海ではないけれど、左を向けばそこは海です。波の調子は俄然伺えます。海から正面のお部屋だと風が強い日には潮が直接窓についてお手入れが毎回大変だけど、横向きでなおかつバルコニーもあるので、比べてまだ楽。と言っても潮風は避けられないですが。エントランス左手の小道を抜けるとR134。毎朝、夕暮れ時のお散歩には海に。逗子海岸は庭です。なんて言うんでしょう。大胆な贅沢さがなくって良い。広さは1LDK。セカンドにもピッタリだし、最新リゾートマンションではなく、このレトロな感じ。勇退後にご夫婦でまったり海沿いライフにもおすすめです。おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんのお家がここだったら自慢だな〜。お父さん、お母さんにこれまでの感謝を込めてプレゼントにもいかがですか?

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Shinjuku 2-chome, Zushi City逗子市新宿2丁目
Building:建物面積51 m²
Scale:建物規模5th floor5階
Structure:構造8-story RC building with flat roofRC造陸屋根8階建て
Built in:建築年1971
apartment 逗子1丁目
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apartment 逗子1丁目
Apartments for rent in Zushi Shi : Kanagawa Ken

LocationZushi Shi, Kanagawa Ken神奈川県逗子市

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USD $110 / month
(¥16,800 / month)
1 万 6800 円 / 月

If you are looking for an apartment near the station! If you prefer a place with character over a shiny, brand new one, why not give this place a try? It's in a very convenient location. And it's close to the sea!駅近マンションをお探しの方!ピカピカやテカテカな新築より味があったほうが愛せるんだぜという方!ぜひいかがでしょうか?ものすごい便利な立地です。海も近いですし!

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Zushi 1-chome, Zushi City逗子市逗子1丁目
Building:建物面積47 m²
Scale:建物規模6 stories6階建
Structure:構造Reinforced concrete construction鉄筋コンクリート造
Built in:建築年1968
apartment 坂ノ下
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apartment 坂ノ下
apartment 坂ノ下
apartment 坂ノ下
Apartments for sale in Kamakura Shi : Kanagawa Ken

LocationKamakura Shi, Kanagawa Ken神奈川県鎌倉市

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USD $1,118
17 万円
USD $1,118 / month
(¥170,000 / month)
17 万円 / 月

A 3-minute walk from Hase Station on the Enoshima Electric Railway. A 3-story apartment with a rooftop and white and blue trim. The room is a compact 2LDK. Thanks to the parking lot right in front of the apartment, the sea can be seen from the living/dining room on the south side.江ノ電長谷駅から歩いて3分。白と青で縁取られた3階建てプラス屋上付きのマンションです。室内はコンパクトな2LDK。目の前が駐車場となっているおかげで、南側のリビングダイニングからは海が顔を覗かせていました。

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Kamakura City Sakanoshita鎌倉市坂ノ下
Security deposit:敷金2 months2ヶ月
Key money:礼金1 month1ヶ月
Building:建物面積46 m²
Scale:建物規模3 floors3階建て
Structure:構造Reinforced concrete construction鉄筋コンクリート造
Built in:建築年1989
apartment 新宿2丁目
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apartment 新宿2丁目
apartment 新宿2丁目
apartment 新宿2丁目
apartment 新宿2丁目
apartment 新宿2丁目
Apartments for rent in Zushi Shi : Kanagawa Ken

LocationZushi Shi, Kanagawa Ken神奈川県逗子市

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USD $122 / month
(¥18,580 / month)
1 万 8580 円 / 月

Fireworks are set off at Zushi Beach every year from the end of May to the beginning of June. I love this fireworks festival, which lets us know early on that summer is coming, even before the rainy season begins. The fireworks in Zushi are generous and spectacular. I wake up to this ocean view every morning. I can even see the sunset from my room. It's about a 20-second walk to the beach. There's even a storage room where I can store my surfboard. I know there are some concerns, like the noise from Route 134 and the sea breeze, but nothing beats this life on the ocean front!毎年5月の末〜6月の頭に打ち上がる逗子海岸の花火。梅雨に入る前から、夏の訪れを早め早めにお知らせしてくれるこの花火大会が私は大好きです。逗子の花火は気前よく、迫力満点。朝起きたら毎朝このオーシャンビュー。お部屋から夕焼けだって眺められる。ビーチまで徒歩20秒くらいかな?サーフボードを置けるトランクルームだってある。国道134号の騒音だったり、潮風だったり、懸念要素だってあるのはわかっちゃいるけど、この海最前線ライフはやっぱり何ものにも代えられない!

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Parking available (20,000 yen per month)駐車場有り(月額20,000円)

Shinjuku 2-chome, Zushi City逗子市新宿2丁目
Land:土地面積909 m²
Building:建物面積70 m²
Scale:建物規模5-story building with 1 basement floor5階建地下1階付
Structure:構造Reinforced concrete construction鉄筋コンクリート造
Built in:建築年1998
apartment 小坪4丁目
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apartment 小坪4丁目
apartment 小坪4丁目
Apartments for rent in Zushi Shi : Kanagawa Ken

LocationZushi Shi, Kanagawa Ken神奈川県逗子市

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USD $83 / month
(¥12,600 / month)
1 万 2600 円 / 月

For surfers, fishermen, cruisers, SUPERs, and other ocean lovers! And for those who want a base where they can have as much fun as possible, how about this property? It's 38 years old, so it's certainly old. If you look closely at the exterior, it looks very old! That's the impression I got (although if you look at it for a long time, the shabbiness starts to look cute). But this place is great as a base for fun. Because it's really close to a secret spot for surfers and fishermen. You can probably get in from the front door of the house in 5 minutes. By the way, Zushi Marina is about 80 meters away, a 1-minute walk away. There is free parking on the premises, so it's easy to use as a second home for those living in Tokyo. After a lot of fun at the sea, why not have a drink with some fresh fish in the ocean view living room with a view of Sagami Bay, Enoshima, and Mt. Fuji? If you want to live a "relaxed" life on your days off without being disturbed by anyone, we're waiting for you. *The room is 405, a southwest corner room. The floor is solid wood.サーファー、釣り人、クルーザー乗り、SUPPERなどなど海を愛する方!そして、どっぷり遊べる「俺(私)の拠点がほしい!できるだけ安く!」とお思いの方、この物件いかがですか?築38年で確かに古い。外観も近くで見れば超年季が入ってるな!と言った印象(ずっと見てるとボロさも可愛く見えてきちゃうんですけどね)。がしかし、ここ、遊びの拠点としてはものすごくいい。だって、サーファーや釣り人のシークレットポイントになっている場所がほんとにすぐ。おそらく、家の玄関から5分でエントリーできるじゃないかな。ちなみに、逗子マリーナまでは約80mで徒歩1分の距離。敷地内駐車場は無料なので、東京暮らしのセカンドとしても使いやすい。海でたっぷり遊んだ後は、相模湾・江ノ島・富士山が見えるオーシャンビューなリビングで新鮮な魚をつまみに一杯やりますか。休日は「誰にも邪魔されずにのんびり」な暮らしがしたいんだ!という方、お待ちしています。※お部屋は、405号室で、南西角部屋。床は無垢フロアーです。

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On-site parking available (free)敷地内駐車場有(無料)

4-chome, Kotsubo, Zushi City逗子市小坪4丁目
Building:建物面積56 m²
Scale:建物規模6 stories6階建
Structure:構造RC constructionRC造
Built in:建築年1975
apartment 逗子2丁目
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apartment 逗子2丁目
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apartment 逗子2丁目
apartment 逗子2丁目
apartment 逗子2丁目
apartment 逗子2丁目
apartment 逗子2丁目
apartment 逗子2丁目
apartment 逗子2丁目
apartment 逗子2丁目
Apartments for rent in Zushi Shi : Kanagawa Ken

LocationZushi Shi, Kanagawa Ken神奈川県逗子市

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USD $51 / month
(¥7,700 / month)
7700 円 / 月

A large apartment located just a 3-minute walk from both JR Zushi Station and Keikyu Shin-Zushi Station. Features include a living room with solid oak flooring (with underfloor heating!), a projector, screen, and speakers that transform into a theater room after sunset. Other attractions include a kitchen where you can cook meals while watching the sunrise, and a bedroom from which you can see the sunset over the sea and fireworks.JR「逗子」駅と京急「新逗子」駅、どちらからも徒歩3分の場所にある大型マンション。オーク材の無垢フローリングのリビング(床暖房付き!)や、日没後はシアタールームに変身するプロジェクターとスクリーン、スピーカーの設置が特徴。朝日を見ながら食事が作れるキッチン、海に沈む夕日や花火が見られる寝室も魅力。

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3LDK (Japanese 5.6 Western 7.5・7 LDK 19)3LDK(和 5.6 洋 7.5・7 LDK 19)


Parking available: 7,700 yen (tax included)/month駐車場あり:7,700円(税込)/月

Zushi 2-chome, Zushi City逗子市逗子2丁目
Security deposit:敷金1 month1ヶ月
Key money:礼金1 month1ヶ月
Building:建物面積84 m²
Scale:建物規模10 floors / 8 floors10階建 / 8階
Built in:建築年2005

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Kanagawa Ken

Settling in Kanagawa

Kanagawa Prefecture, located just south of Tokyo, is a vibrant prefecture that seamlessly blends urban convenience with natural beauty, making it an exceptional choice for those considering relocation. One of its standout features is its proximity to Tokyo, offering a suburban lifestyle with easy access to the bustling capital—an appealing factor for professionals seeking a balance between work and leisure. Kanagawa is home to popular cities such as Yokohama, with its picturesque waterfront and lively international atmosphere, and Kamakura, famed for its cultural heritage and coastal charm. For nature lovers, the stunning landscapes of the Hakone region, known for its hot springs and views of Mt. Fuji, provide tranquil retreats just a stone’s throw away. Affordability is a crucial aspect for prospective buyers, and Kanagawa offers competitive property prices compared to the heart of Tokyo, particularly in areas like Kawasaki and Atsugi. Here, you can find spacious homes and apartments that fit various budgets, making it suitable for first-time buyers or families. Additionally, the local government has been actively promoting residential developments that cater to newcomers, ensuring a diverse community with ample amenities. Schools, parks, and transport systems are well-developed, adding to the region's appeal. Overall, Kanagawa Ken offers a dynamic lifestyle with a variety of housing options, making it a compelling choice for anyone looking to invest in property while enjoying both urban and natural facets of Japan.