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detached 玉川10449他
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detached 玉川10449他
Traditional houses for sale in Chino Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationChino Shi, Nagano Ken長野県茅野市

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USD $85,505
1300 万円

The property comes with a storehouse built in 1868 (estimated from the tax register), a garden with a pond, and a field where you can grow your own vegetables.明治元年(課税台帳より推定)に建てられた蔵や池のある庭、家庭菜園のできる畑が付いています。

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6SDK (DK, 3 Japanese-style rooms (8 tatami mats), 2 Japanese-style rooms (6 tatami mats), 1 Western-style room (8 tatami mats), storeroom)6SDK(DK、和室8帖×3、6帖×2、洋室8帖×1、納戸)



10449 Tamagawa, Chino City, etc.茅野市玉川10449他
Land:土地面積933 m²
Building:建物面積161 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階
Built in:建築年1983
detached 長野県飯綱町
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Traditional houses for rent in Iizuna Machi : Nagano Ken

LocationIizuna Machi, Nagano Ken長野県飯綱町

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USD $592 / month
(¥90,000 / month)
9 万円 / 月

It is a 3-5 minute drive to Iizuna Higashi Kogen, Lake Reisenji, ski resorts, golf courses, etc. This log house, located in a quiet forest, is a vacant house bank property available for rent.飯綱東高原・霊仙寺湖やスキー場、ゴルフ場などへ車で3〜5分。静かな森の中に立つこのログハウスは、賃貸での利用が可能な空き家バンク物件。

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Parking available for 2-3 cars2〜3台駐車可

Iizuna Town, Nagano Prefecture長野県飯綱町
Security deposit:敷金90,000 yen per month月9万円
Key money:礼金90,000 yen per month月9万円
Land:土地面積428 m²
Building:建物面積84 m²
Built in:建築年2007
detached 上水内郡
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detached 上水内郡
Traditional houses for sale in Shinano Machi : Nagano Ken

LocationShinano Machi, Nagano Ken長野県信濃町

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USD $50,645
770 万円

120m to the station! Comfortable living with floor heating in the living room♪ [No.161]駅まで120m!リビング床暖房の快適生活♪【No.161】

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6LDK (Japanese-style room x 6 LDK)6LDK(和室×6 LDK)


Garage for 1 car車庫1台分

Oaza Tominaga大字富濃
Land:土地面積450 m²
Building:建物面積184 m²
Scale:建物規模184.29m2/55.74 tsubo184.29m2/55.74坪
Built in:建築年1968
detached 伊那市美篶
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detached 伊那市美篶
detached 伊那市美篶
detached 伊那市美篶
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detached 伊那市美篶
detached 伊那市美篶
detached 伊那市美篶
detached 伊那市美篶
Traditional houses for sale in Ina Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationIna Shi, Nagano Ken長野県伊那市

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USD $9,866
150 万円

Located in a quiet village near Satoyama, this old house is surrounded by well-maintained hedges and comes with a slightly larger farmland. Old house Great view Storage shed (storehouse) Vegetable garden (including farmland) Subsidized Parking available里山近くの静かな集落に立地する、手入れの行き届いた生垣に囲まれた、ちょっと広めの農地付きの古民家物件です

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Can beあり

Miho, Ina City伊那市美篶
Land:土地面積1063 m²
Building:建物面積136 m²
Scale:建物規模1st floor1階
Structure:構造Wooden board-roofed single-story building木造板葺平屋建
Built in:建築年1950
detached 佐久穂町大字千代里3619
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detached 佐久穂町大字千代里3619
detached 佐久穂町大字千代里3619
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detached 佐久穂町大字千代里3619
Traditional houses for sale in Sakuho Machi : Nagano Ken

LocationSakuho Machi, Nagano Ken長野県佐久穂町

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USD $46,041
700 万円
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3619 Chiyori, Sakuho Town佐久穂町大字千代里3619
Land:土地面積1016 m²
Building:建物面積183 m²
Built in:建築年1977
detached 長野県小谷村
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Traditional houses for sale in Otari Mura : Nagano Ken

LocationOtari Mura, Nagano Ken長野県小谷村

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USD $16,443
250 万円
USD $197 / month
(¥30,000 / month)
3 万円 / 月

An old house built in 1875. The kitchen floor, walls, and part of the ceiling are dilapidated, the bath has no shower, the toilet is a Japanese-style pit toilet, and the bath is heated with a kerosene boiler (check to see if it works), so it needs extensive repairs. There is both mountain water and municipal water. The road to the house is narrow, and although it is easy to get to the national highway, it is a steep slope. There is parking space for about two cars, and farmland can be used if desired. In winter, snow removal and snow removal from the roof are necessary. The district membership fee is 2,000 yen per month, and there is also participation in district activities.明治8年築の古民家。台所の床、壁、天井の一部が老朽化していて、風呂はシャワーなし、トイレは和式の汲み取り式、風呂は灯油ボイラー(使えるかどうかは要確認)のため、大幅な補修が必要。水道は山の水と上水道の両方があります。家までの道幅が狭く、国道まで出やすいものの坂が急です。駐車スペースは約2台分あり、農地も希望すれば利用できます。冬季は、除雪や屋根の雪下ろしが必須。地区会費が月2000円、地区活動の参加もあります。

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Approximately 2 cars約2台分

Security deposit:敷金Noneなし
Key money:礼金Noneなし
Land:土地面積211 m²
Building:建物面積211 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Structure:構造Wooden thatched roof木造草葺き
Built in:建築年1875
detached 里山エリア
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detached 里山エリア
Traditional houses for sale in Tateshina Machi : Nagano Ken

LocationTateshina Machi, Nagano Ken長野県立科町

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USD $62,484
950 万円

Located in the center of town, it has good access to the town hall, supermarkets, hot springs, etc. The house is a wooden structure with a wide veranda, and the bathroom and toilet have been renovated, so it looks like it can be used as is. There are also large rice fields and farmland surrounding the house, making it a property suitable for those looking to start farming.町の中心地にあり、役場やスーパー、温泉等へのアクセス良好。広い縁側が特徴的な木造家屋で風呂トイレは改修されており、現状のまま使えそうです。また住宅の周辺に広い田んぼと農地を有し、就農希望者向けの物件です。

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3 cars3台分

Ashida, Tateshina Town立科町芦田
Land:土地面積1050 m²
Building:建物面積177 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden building木造2階建て
Built in:建築年1966
detached 布施
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detached 布施
detached 布施
detached 布施
detached 布施
detached 布施
detached 布施
detached 布施
Traditional houses for sale in Saku Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationSaku Shi, Nagano Ken長野県佐久市

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USD $26,309
400 万円

5 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, kitchenette, gardening in a rural area (property in need of repairs)里山で家庭菜園ができる5LDK(要補修物件)

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Land:土地面積601 m²
Building:建物面積149 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Built in:建築年1981
detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
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detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
detached 長野県大町市常盤3544-21
Traditional houses for sale in Omachi Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationOmachi Shi, Nagano Ken長野県大町市

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USD $38,148
580 万円

Convenient location and the charm of good old wooden fixtures利便性良き立地と古き良き木製建具の味わい

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Yes (on site)有 (敷地内) 

Tokiwa 3544-21常盤3544-21
Land:土地面積349 m²
Building:建物面積98 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階
Built in:建築年1967
detached 上片桐
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detached 上片桐
detached 上片桐
detached 上片桐
detached 上片桐
Traditional houses for sale in Matsukawa Machi : Nagano Ken

LocationMatsukawa Machi, Nagano Ken長野県松川町

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USD $117,076
1780 万円

Good exposure to sunlight, spacious land of about 1,650m2, where you can grow your own vegetable garden. Old-style house with 3 attached buildings. Parking for 5 or more cars. Good view.陽当り良好、約500坪ある広々とした土地で家庭菜園可能。付属建物3棟付きの古民家風住宅。駐車場5台以上可能。眺望良好。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6LDK+S (storeroom)6LDK+S(納戸)


Parking for 5 or more cars possible駐車場5台以上可能

Kamikatagiri, Matsukawa Town, Shimoina District, Nagano Prefecture長野県下伊那郡松川町上片桐
Land:土地面積1720 m²
Building:建物面積316 m²
Scale:建物規模1 story1階建
Built in:建築年1928

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Nagano Ken

Settling in Nagano

Nagano Prefecture, known for its stunning mountain ranges, lush greenery, and hot springs, offers an idyllic lifestyle for those relocating to Japan. Outdoor enthusiasts will thrive here, with abundant opportunities for skiing, hiking, and enjoying fresh air. The region is also rich in cultural experiences, featuring picturesque temples and traditional festivals. Finding affordable housing in Nagano Ken can be more feasible when compared to larger urban centers like Tokyo or Osaka. While the prices can vary significantly based on specific locations, generally, properties in smaller towns and rural areas of Nagano are quite reasonable. Popular areas like Matsumoto or Nagano City may have higher prices, but they are still more accessible than major metropolitan areas. Quality of life in Nagano Ken is often regarded as high, thanks to its low pollution levels, slower pace of life, and strong community ties. The region's rich agricultural land means access to fresh, locally grown food, contributing to a healthier lifestyle. In terms of cost of living, Nagano Ken is relatively lower compared to urbanized areas. Utilities and transportation costs are also generally more affordable, making it an attractive option for those looking for a balance between nature and convenience. In summary, Nagano Ken offers a peaceful lifestyle with affordable housing options, excellent quality of life, and a lower cost of living compared to Japan's major cities.