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detached 長野県諏訪郡原村(八ッ手区)
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Traditional houses for rent in Hara Mura : Nagano Ken

LocationHara Mura, Nagano Ken長野県原村

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USD $710 / month
(¥108,000 / month)
10 万 8000 円 / 月
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There is a wooden deck of approximately 6 m2.

- Parking space for 3 cars.

Hara Village, Suwa County, Nagano Prefecture (Yatte District)長野県諏訪郡原村(八ッ手区)
Building:建物面積118 m²
Exclusive area:専有面積118 m²
Structure:構造Two wooden buildings木造2建て
Built in:建築年1978
detached 松川町上片桐
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detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
detached 松川町上片桐
Traditional houses for sale in Matsukawa Machi : Nagano Ken

LocationMatsukawa Machi, Nagano Ken長野県松川町

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USD $130,838
1989 万 8000 円
USD $130,838 / month
(¥19,898,000 / month)
1989 万 8000 円 / 月

This two-story wooden house has an attractive, spacious lot with an attached building and a lot area of 1,600m2. The large lot includes three attached buildings built for agricultural purposes, a reservoir, and bamboo and a river flowing around the house. The house also has six rooms, each of which is more than eight tatami mats in size, so not only the land but also the house itself is spacious. The house is 96 years old, but the plumbing and other areas have been renovated. However, there are some parts that have not been renovated, so please check the site in person. The large lot makes it seem like it would be difficult to deal with vegetation, but since it is located a little away from the surrounding area, it seems like there are many ways to use it other than just as a house.敷地面積520坪、付属建物付きの広々とした土地が魅力的な木造2階建て住宅です。

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Vegetable gardening possible, 3 attached buildings家庭菜園可能、付属建物3棟付き

Matsukawa Town Kamikatagiri松川町上片桐
Land:土地面積1720 m²
Building:建物面積317 m²
Structure:構造Wooden two-story house木造2階建て住宅
Built in:建築年1928
detached 箕輪町(長岡)
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detached 箕輪町(長岡)
detached 箕輪町(長岡)
detached 箕輪町(長岡)
detached 箕輪町(長岡)
detached 箕輪町(長岡)
detached 箕輪町(長岡)
detached 箕輪町(長岡)
detached 箕輪町(長岡)
detached 箕輪町(長岡)
detached 箕輪町(長岡)
Traditional houses for sale in Ina Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationIna Shi, Nagano Ken長野県伊那市

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USD $42,740
650 万円
USD $460 / month
(¥70,000 / month)
7 万円 / 月

Detached house with vegetable garden in a residential area in the countryside Supermarket is within 2km Nursery school is within 2km Good scenery Vegetable garden available (including farmland) Station is within 2km Parking available田園地帯に広がる住宅街の菜園付き戸建て

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Floor planFloor plan間取り



1 regular car, 1 light car, 2 cars in total普通車1台 軽1台 計2台

Minowa Town (Nagaoka)箕輪町(長岡)
Land:土地面積656 m²
Building:建物面積134 m²
Structure:構造2-story wooden tile/galvanized steel roof木造瓦・亜鉛メッキ鋼板葺2階建
Built in:建築年1952
detached 古安曽3885
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detached 古安曽3885
detached 古安曽3885
detached 古安曽3885
detached 古安曽3885
detached 古安曽3885
detached 古安曽3885
detached 古安曽3885
detached 古安曽3885
detached 古安曽3885
Traditional houses for rent in Ueda Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationUeda Shi, Nagano Ken長野県上田市

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USD $197 / month
(¥30,000 / month)
3 万円 / 月
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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Koaso 3885古安曽3885
Building:建物面積49 m²
Built in:建築年1917
detached 武石下本入225-1
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detached 武石下本入225-1
detached 武石下本入225-1
detached 武石下本入225-1
detached 武石下本入225-1
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detached 武石下本入225-1
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detached 武石下本入225-1
detached 武石下本入225-1
detached 武石下本入225-1
detached 武石下本入225-1
detached 武石下本入225-1
detached 武石下本入225-1
detached 武石下本入225-1
Traditional houses for rent in Ueda Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationUeda Shi, Nagano Ken長野県上田市

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USD $526 / month
(¥80,000 / month)
8 万円 / 月
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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Takeishi Shimohoniri 225-1武石下本入225-1
Land:土地面積800 m²
Building:建物面積137 m²
Built in:建築年1985
detached 木曽町福島2309番地1
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detached 木曽町福島2309番地1
detached 木曽町福島2309番地1
Traditional houses for rent in Kiso Machi : Nagano Ken

LocationKiso Machi, Nagano Ken長野県木曽町

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USD $230 / month
(¥35,000 / month)
3 万 5000 円 / 月
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Floor planFloor plan間取り

4 Japanese-style rooms (2 x 8 tatami mats, 1 x 6 tatami mats, 1 x 4.5 tatami mats), kitchen, toilet, washroom, bathroom和室4(8畳2・6畳1・4.5畳1)・台所・トイレ・洗面所・浴室

2309-1 Fukushima, Kiso-machi木曽町福島2309番地1
Land:土地面積105 m²
Building:建物面積Please inquire
Built in:建築年1943
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
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detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
detached 〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
Traditional houses for rent in Ueda Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationUeda Shi, Nagano Ken長野県上田市

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USD $526 / month
(¥80,000 / month)
8 万円 / 月
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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6DK 6DK 1F: Japanese 10.5, Japanese 8×3, DK10 2F: Japanese 8, Japanese 86DK
1F:和10.5、和8×3、DK10 2F:和8、用8


Yes, free, number of spaces: 4有 無料 台数:4台あり

1-11-16 Ote, Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture 386-8601〒386-8601 長野県上田市大手1-11-16
Security deposit:敷金1 month1ヶ月
Key money:礼金Noneなし
Building:建物面積Please inquire
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1985
detached 〒389-1293 長野県上水内郡飯綱町牟礼2795-1
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detached 〒389-1293 長野県上水内郡飯綱町牟礼2795-1
detached 〒389-1293 長野県上水内郡飯綱町牟礼2795-1
detached 〒389-1293 長野県上水内郡飯綱町牟礼2795-1
detached 〒389-1293 長野県上水内郡飯綱町牟礼2795-1
detached 〒389-1293 長野県上水内郡飯綱町牟礼2795-1
detached 〒389-1293 長野県上水内郡飯綱町牟礼2795-1
detached 〒389-1293 長野県上水内郡飯綱町牟礼2795-1
detached 〒389-1293 長野県上水内郡飯綱町牟礼2795-1
Traditional houses for rent in Iizuna Machi : Nagano Ken

LocationIizuna Machi, Nagano Ken長野県飯綱町

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USD $592 / month
(¥90,000 / month)
9 万円 / 月
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Floor planFloor plan間取り




389-1293 2795-1 Mure, Iizuna-cho, Kamizuuchi-gun, Nagano Prefecture〒389-1293 長野県上水内郡飯綱町牟礼2795-1
Security deposit:敷金2 months2ヶ月
Key money:礼金1 month1ヶ月
Building:建物面積Please inquire
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年2007
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
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detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
detached 〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
Traditional houses for rent in Shiojiri Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationShiojiri Shi, Nagano Ken長野県塩尻市

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USD $460 / month
(¥70,000 / month)
7 万円 / 月
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Floor planFloor plan間取り

8DK 8DK 1F…DK, Japanese 6, Japanese 8×2, Western 4.5, Western 8, Western 7.5, sink, bathroom, toilet 2F…Western 8×28DK
1F…DK,和6,和8×2,洋4.5,洋8,洋7.5,洗面,浴室,トイレ 2F…洋8×2


Yes Number: 2 available有 台数:2台あり

〒399-0736 405 Enpark, 12-2 Daimonichibancho, Shiojiri City, Nagano Prefecture〒399-0736 長野県塩尻市大門一番町12-2えんぱーく405
Security deposit:敷金2 months2ヶ月
Key money:礼金Noneなし
Building:建物面積Please inquire
Scale:建物規模Second floor2階
Built in:建築年1933
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
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detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
detached 長野市信州新町竹房312-1
Traditional houses for rent in Nagano Shi : Nagano Ken

LocationNagano Shi, Nagano Ken長野県長野市

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USD $362 / month
(¥55,000 / month)
5 万 5000 円 / 月

№427 信州新町の犀川沿いに建つ築47年の平屋一戸建 古き良き日本家屋の雰囲気を感じられる物件№427 信州新町の犀川沿いに建つ築47年の平屋一戸建 古き良き日本家屋の雰囲気を感じられる物件

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Security deposit:敷金2ヶ月2ヶ月
Key money:礼金なしなし
Building:建物面積Please inquire
Built in:建築年1974

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Nagano Ken

Settling in Nagano

Nagano Prefecture, known for its stunning mountain ranges, lush greenery, and hot springs, offers an idyllic lifestyle for those relocating to Japan. Outdoor enthusiasts will thrive here, with abundant opportunities for skiing, hiking, and enjoying fresh air. The region is also rich in cultural experiences, featuring picturesque temples and traditional festivals. Finding affordable housing in Nagano Ken can be more feasible when compared to larger urban centers like Tokyo or Osaka. While the prices can vary significantly based on specific locations, generally, properties in smaller towns and rural areas of Nagano are quite reasonable. Popular areas like Matsumoto or Nagano City may have higher prices, but they are still more accessible than major metropolitan areas. Quality of life in Nagano Ken is often regarded as high, thanks to its low pollution levels, slower pace of life, and strong community ties. The region's rich agricultural land means access to fresh, locally grown food, contributing to a healthier lifestyle. In terms of cost of living, Nagano Ken is relatively lower compared to urbanized areas. Utilities and transportation costs are also generally more affordable, making it an attractive option for those looking for a balance between nature and convenience. In summary, Nagano Ken offers a peaceful lifestyle with affordable housing options, excellent quality of life, and a lower cost of living compared to Japan's major cities.