All Akiyas

commercial 米子市中町115番地
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commercial 米子市中町115番地
commercial 米子市中町115番地
commercial 米子市中町115番地
commercial 米子市中町115番地
commercial 米子市中町115番地
commercial 米子市中町115番地
commercial 米子市中町115番地
commercial 米子市中町115番地
Commercial for sale in Yonago Shi : Tottori Ken

LocationYonago Shi, Tottori Ken鳥取県米子市

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USD $16,443
250 万円

★Site area: approx. 32.2 m2 ★Within walking distance to city hall ★Many commercial facilities such as hospitals and department stores★敷地面積約9.97坪 ★市役所まで徒歩圏内 ★病院、デパート等商業施設多数

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

See floor plan
See floor plan
1F Office, store approx. 10 tatami mats
2F approx. 3.5 tatami mats, approx. 1.8 tatami mats, approx. 4.5 tatami mats



115 Nakamachi, Yonago City米子市中町115番地
Land:土地面積33 m²
Building:建物面積44 m²
Structure:構造Steel-framed, tin-roofed, two-story building鉄骨造トタン葺2階建
Built in:建築年1960
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
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commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
commercial 境港市上道町1987番地1
Commercial for sale in Yonago Shi : Tottori Ken

LocationYonago Shi, Tottori Ken鳥取県米子市

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USD $19,732
300 万円

■ Site area: 102 tsubo ■ One used building ■ Width: approx. 15m along Prefectural Route 2■敷地面積102坪 ■中古ビル一棟 ■幅員約15m県道2号沿い

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Floor planFloor plan間取り



6 to 10 cars allowed on site *Vehicle types are restricted敷地内6~10台可 ※車種制限あり

1987-1 Kamimichi-cho, Sakaiminato City境港市上道町1987番地1
Land:土地面積337 m²
Building:建物面積818 m²
Structure:構造Reinforced concrete construction鉄筋コンクリート造
Built in:建築年1974
commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
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commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
commercial 米子市博労町1丁目37番
Commercial for sale in Yonago Shi : Tottori Ken

LocationYonago Shi, Tottori Ken鳥取県米子市

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USD $130,231
1980 万円

■ Tenant in nearby commercial area ■ Can also be used as a classroom, office, or warehouse!!■近隣商業地域のテナント■教室、事務所、倉庫にも!!

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

Office 2 + Classroom 2 + Warehouse 2 + Break Room
Office 2 + Classroom 2 + Warehouse 2 + Break Room


Parking available for about 5 cars next to the two houses2件隣に5台程度駐車可能

1-37, Bakuromachi, Yonago City米子市博労町1丁目37番
Land:土地面積198 m²
Building:建物面積239 m²
Structure:構造Reinforced concrete, wooden flat roof, galvanized steel she鉄筋コンクリート・木造陸屋根・亜鉛メッキ鋼板ぶき2階建
Built in:建築年1997
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
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commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
commercial 清谷(せいだに)
Commercial for sale in Kurayoshi Shi : Tottori Ken

LocationKurayoshi Shi, Tottori Ken鳥取県倉吉市

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USD $46,041
700 万円

This is a store and residence in a convenient location. It has good access to Hokuei-cho and Yurihama-cho. The sea is within 10 minutes by car.便利な立地にある店舗兼住宅です。北栄町、湯梨浜町へのアクセスも良し。海まで車で10分以内で行けます。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

4K, 4DK, 4LDK or more 〇Bathroom 〇Undressing 〇Store4K、4DK、4LDK以上
〇浴室 〇脱衣 〇店舗


Yes 1あり 1

Land:土地面積211 m²
Building:建物面積182 m²
Built in:建築年1978

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Tottori Ken

Settling in Tottori

Tottori, a less-visited and rural prefecture in Japan, is known for having a relatively higher number of vacant houses, or "akiya," in comparison to more populous regions of the country. This surplus of vacant houses presents a unique opportunity for individuals interested in purchasing property at affordable prices.

Life in Tottori is characterized by a slower pace, tranquil surroundings, and a strong connection to traditional Japanese culture. The prefecture is famous for its stunning sand dunes, pristine beaches, and natural beauty. Tottori offers a quieter, more relaxed lifestyle, making it appealing to individuals looking to escape the hustle and bustle of major cities.

The cost of living in Tottori is generally lower than in urban centers like Tokyo or Osaka. However, job opportunities can be more limited, and it's essential to consider employment prospects when planning to live in Tottori. Those with remote work options or a source of income that doesn't rely on local job markets may find Tottori particularly attractive for its affordability and quality of life.