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detached 山口県岩国市由宇町北
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detached 山口県岩国市由宇町北
detached 山口県岩国市由宇町北
detached 山口県岩国市由宇町北
detached 山口県岩国市由宇町北
detached 山口県岩国市由宇町北
detached 山口県岩国市由宇町北
detached 山口県岩国市由宇町北
detached 山口県岩国市由宇町北
detached 山口県岩国市由宇町北
detached 山口県岩国市由宇町北
Traditional houses for rent in Iwakuni Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationIwakuni Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県岩国市

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USD $559 / month
(¥80,000 / month)
8 万円 / 月
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Yuumachi Kita, Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture山口県岩国市由宇町北
Land:土地面積264 m²
Building:建物面積122 m²
Scale:建物規模Room/lot number部屋/区画番号
Built in:建築年1954
detached 深川・仙崎地区
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detached 深川・仙崎地区
detached 深川・仙崎地区
detached 深川・仙崎地区
detached 深川・仙崎地区
detached 深川・仙崎地区
detached 深川・仙崎地区
detached 深川・仙崎地区
detached 深川・仙崎地区
detached 深川・仙崎地区
Traditional houses for sale in Nagato Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationNagato Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県長門市

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USD $6,990
100 万円
USD $70 / month
(¥10,000 / month)
1 万円 / 月

This 100-year-old traditional house was built in the Taisho era and has a compact layout. The sea is within walking distance, so you can easily enjoy a stroll or fishing.大正時代に建築された築100年のコンパクトな間取りの古民家。徒歩圏内に海があり、気軽に散歩や釣りを楽しむこともできます。

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4K (3DK, 3LDK)4K(3DK,3LDK)



Senzaki, Nagato City長門市仙崎
Security deposit:敷金Noneなし
Key money:礼金10,000 yen/month1万円/月
Land:土地面積78 m²
Building:建物面積76 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建
Structure:構造Wooden tile roof木造瓦葺
Built in:建築年1924
detached 阿武町福賀
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detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
Traditional houses for sale in Abu Cho : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationAbu Cho, Yamaguchi Ken山口県阿武町

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USD $140
2 万円
USD $140 / month
(¥20,000 / month)
2 万円 / 月
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Usage situationUsage situation利用状況


Abu Town Fukuga阿武町福賀
Land:土地面積423 m²
Building:建物面積243 m²
Structure:構造One-story wooden tiled roof木造瓦葺平屋
Built in:建築年1942
No longer available
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Traditional houses for sale in Hirao Cho : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationHirao Cho, Yamaguchi Ken山口県平生町

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USD $15,378
220 万円
USD $175 / month
(¥25,000 / month)
2 万 5000 円 / 月
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Yes (about 2 units)あり(2台程度)

Oguni, Hirao-cho, Kumage-gun熊毛郡平生町大字尾国
Security deposit:敷金Noneなし
Key money:礼金25,000 yen2.5万円
Land:土地面積171 m²
Building:建物面積94 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden tiled roof (current status)木造瓦葺2階建(現況)
Built in:建築年1925
detached 美祢市秋芳町嘉万
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detached 美祢市秋芳町嘉万
detached 美祢市秋芳町嘉万
detached 美祢市秋芳町嘉万
detached 美祢市秋芳町嘉万
detached 美祢市秋芳町嘉万
detached 美祢市秋芳町嘉万
detached 美祢市秋芳町嘉万
detached 美祢市秋芳町嘉万
detached 美祢市秋芳町嘉万
detached 美祢市秋芳町嘉万
Traditional houses for sale in Mine Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationMine Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県美祢市

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USD $31,455
450 万円
USD $245 / month
(¥35,000 / month)
3 万 5000 円 / 月
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3~4 units3~4台

Yoshiman, Akiyoshi-cho, Mine City美祢市秋芳町嘉万
Land:土地面積794 m²
Building:建物面積172 m²
Built in:建築年1981
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detached 熊毛郡平生町大字小郡(注意:物件番号54に隣接)
detached 熊毛郡平生町大字小郡(注意:物件番号54に隣接)
detached 熊毛郡平生町大字小郡(注意:物件番号54に隣接)
detached 熊毛郡平生町大字小郡(注意:物件番号54に隣接)
detached 熊毛郡平生町大字小郡(注意:物件番号54に隣接)
detached 熊毛郡平生町大字小郡(注意:物件番号54に隣接)
Traditional houses for sale in Hirao Cho : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationHirao Cho, Yamaguchi Ken山口県平生町

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USD $5,592
80 万円
USD $140 / month
(¥20,000 / month)
2 万円 / 月
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Oaza Ogori, Hirao-cho, Kumage-gun (*adjacent to property number 54)熊毛郡平生町大字小郡(注意:物件番号54に隣接)
Security deposit:敷金Noneなし
Key money:礼金Noneなし
Land:土地面積454 m²
Building:建物面積100 m²
Structure:構造One-story wooden tile-roofed house木造瓦葺平家建
Built in:建築年1936
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
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detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
detached 宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
Traditional houses for rent in Ube Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationUbe Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県宇部市

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USD $349 / month
(¥50,000 / month)
5 万円 / 月

This property in Fujiyama is proud of its beautiful garden. We can discuss whether you are renting or buying or selling.素敵なお庭が自慢の藤山の物件です。

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Available (4 units)有(4台)

2-3-28 Kamijo, Ube City宇部市上条2丁目3番28号
Land:土地面積245 m²
Building:建物面積92 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden building木造2階建て
Built in:建築年1979
detached 山口県萩市大字堀内 周辺情報を調べる
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detached 山口県萩市大字堀内 周辺情報を調べる
detached 山口県萩市大字堀内 周辺情報を調べる
detached 山口県萩市大字堀内 周辺情報を調べる
detached 山口県萩市大字堀内 周辺情報を調べる
detached 山口県萩市大字堀内 周辺情報を調べる
Traditional houses for rent in Hagi Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationHagi Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県萩市

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USD $280 / month
(¥40,000 / month)
4 万円 / 月

Pet Friendly Propertiesペット可物件

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Oaza Horiuchi, Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture Check surrounding information山口県萩市大字堀内 周辺情報を調べる
Security deposit:敷金2 months / -2ヶ月 / -
Key money:礼金Not clear不明
Building:建物面積121 m²
Exclusive area:専有面積121 m²
Built in:建築年1979
detached 美祢市秋芳町秋吉
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detached 美祢市秋芳町秋吉
detached 美祢市秋芳町秋吉
detached 美祢市秋芳町秋吉
detached 美祢市秋芳町秋吉
detached 美祢市秋芳町秋吉
detached 美祢市秋芳町秋吉
detached 美祢市秋芳町秋吉
detached 美祢市秋芳町秋吉
detached 美祢市秋芳町秋吉
Traditional houses for sale in Mine Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationMine Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県美祢市

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USD $34,950
500 万円
USD $349 / month
(¥50,000 / month)
5 万円 / 月
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Floor planFloor plan間取り



3 units3台

Akiyoshi, Akiyoshi Town, Mine City美祢市秋芳町秋吉
Building:建物面積433 m²
Built in:建築年1977
detached 山口県阿武郡阿武町大字福田上(伊当)
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detached 山口県阿武郡阿武町大字福田上(伊当)
detached 山口県阿武郡阿武町大字福田上(伊当)
detached 山口県阿武郡阿武町大字福田上(伊当)
detached 山口県阿武郡阿武町大字福田上(伊当)
detached 山口県阿武郡阿武町大字福田上(伊当)
detached 山口県阿武郡阿武町大字福田上(伊当)
detached 山口県阿武郡阿武町大字福田上(伊当)
detached 山口県阿武郡阿武町大字福田上(伊当)
Traditional houses for rent in Abu Cho : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationAbu Cho, Yamaguchi Ken山口県阿武町

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USD $175 / month
(¥25,000 / month)
2 万 5000 円 / 月
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Usage situationUsage situation利用状況

Recruiting residents入居者募集中

Fukudaue, Abu-cho, Abu-gun, Yamaguchi Prefecture (Ito)山口県阿武郡阿武町大字福田上(伊当)
Land:土地面積1220 m²
Building:建物面積123 m²
Structure:構造Private house: wooden one-story tile-roofed attached house:専用住宅:木造瓦葺平屋建付属家:木造瓦葺2階建
Built in:建築年1962

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Yamaguchi Ken

Settling in Yamaguchi

Yamaguchi Prefecture, located on the western tip of Honshu, is a hidden gem for those considering relocating to Japan. This picturesque prefecture is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including the iconic Seto Inland Sea, lush mountains, and serene coastlines, providing a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Unlike more populous areas like Tokyo or Osaka, Yamaguchi offers a more relaxed lifestyle with a close-knit community vibe, making it ideal for individuals or families seeking a slower, more fulfilling pace of life. The cost of living here is notably lower than in major metropolitan areas, which translates to more affordable property options. Buyers can find charming traditional homes, modern houses, and even quaint properties with rich historical backgrounds at prices that often fall within their budget. Furthermore, Yamaguchi boasts excellent transport links, including the Shinkansen (bullet train), allowing for easy access to larger cities for work or leisure, enhancing your ability to balance rural tranquility with urban convenience. Rich in cultural heritage, the region is also celebrated for its delicious local cuisine, particularly its seafood and sake. With a mix of natural beauty, historical significance, and economic viability, Yamaguchi Ken is an attractive option for those looking to invest in affordable property while enjoying a uniquely Japanese lifestyle that other prefectures may not offer.