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Traditional houses for sale in Hino Cho : Tottori Ken

LocationHino Cho, Tottori Ken鳥取県日野町

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USD $13,090
200 万円

Price reduced! You can go sweetfish fishing or kayak sports in the Hino River in front of the property. The property is perfect for vegetable gardening, pottery, and art atelier in the garden.値下げしました!物件前の日野川でアユ釣りやカヤックスポーツ可。庭で家庭菜園や陶芸、アート作品のアトリエとして最適な物件です♪

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Floor planFloor plan間取り




Kurosaka, Hino-cho, Hino-gun日野郡日野町黒坂
Land:土地面積1005 m²
Building:建物面積120 m²
Scale:建物規模2 stories2階建て
Built in:建築年1969
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Traditional houses for sale in Hino Cho : Tottori Ken

LocationHino Cho, Tottori Ken鳥取県日野町

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USD $13,090
200 万円

This property is located a 5-minute walk from Kurosaka Station on the JR Hakubi Line. It faces south, so it's warm even in winter and laundry dries easily. It also uses propane gas, which has a strong flame and shortens the time for bathing and cooking, and can be restored quickly in the event of a disaster. The property consists of 6 rooms, and the largest room in the property is a Japanese-style room with an area of 9.00 tatami mats. Kurosaka Elementary School is located within 240 meters (3 minutes on foot).こちらの物件はJR伯備線を黒坂駅で下車し、徒歩5分の場所に位置しています。南向きなので冬場でも暖かく洗濯物が乾きやすいメリットがあり、強い火力でお風呂や調理の時短になり災害時の復旧も早いプロパンガス利用の物件です。6部屋で構成されており、物件内で一番広いお部屋は和室で9.00帖です。周辺240m圏内(徒歩3分)には黒坂小学校もあります。

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

5K (Kitchen 3.5 tatami mats (1st floor) Japanese-style room 6 tatami mats (1st floor) Japanese-style room 6 tatami mats (1st floor) Japanese-style room 9 tatami mats (1st floor) Japanese-style room 4.5 tatami mats (1st floor) Japanese-style room 6 tatami mats (2nd floor))5K ( キッチン 3.5帖(1階) 和室 6帖(1階) 和室 6帖(1階) 和室 9帖(1階) 和室 4.5帖(1階) 和室 6帖(2階) )


Available for free空有 無料

Kurosaka, Hino-machi, Hino-gun, Tottori Prefecture鳥取県日野郡日野町黒坂
Land:土地面積1005 m²
Building:建物面積120 m²
Scale:建物規模2-storey2 階建
Built in:建築年1969
detached 鳥取県日野郡日野町黒坂
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detached 鳥取県日野郡日野町黒坂
Traditional houses for sale in Hino Cho : Tottori Ken

LocationHino Cho, Tottori Ken鳥取県日野町

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USD $13,090
200 万円

"Kurosaka, Hino-cho, Hino-gun, used house, 2 million yen"「日野郡日野町黒坂 中古住宅 200万円」

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Floor planFloor plan間取り



Free of charge
I would like t
空有 無料

Kurosaka, Hino-machi, Hino-gun, Tottori Prefecture鳥取県日野郡日野町黒坂
Land:土地面積1005 m²
Building:建物面積120 m²
Structure:構造Wooden/2-story building木造/2階建
Built in:建築年1969
detached 家賃


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Traditional houses for sale in Hino Cho : Tottori Ken

LocationHino Cho, Tottori Ken鳥取県日野町

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USD $24,871
380 万円
USD $196 / month
(¥30,000 / month)
3 万円 / 月
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Equipment statusEquipment status設備状況

Town water supply and sewerage/Western-style flush toiletequipment_status:木造二階建

Kurosaka 23家賃 30,000円 売却 380万円 応相談  
Building:建物面積Please inquire
Structure:構造Two-story wooden building *There is a courtyard黒坂 23

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Tottori Ken

Settling in Tottori

Tottori, a less-visited and rural prefecture in Japan, is known for having a relatively higher number of vacant houses, or "akiya," in comparison to more populous regions of the country. This surplus of vacant houses presents a unique opportunity for individuals interested in purchasing property at affordable prices.

Life in Tottori is characterized by a slower pace, tranquil surroundings, and a strong connection to traditional Japanese culture. The prefecture is famous for its stunning sand dunes, pristine beaches, and natural beauty. Tottori offers a quieter, more relaxed lifestyle, making it appealing to individuals looking to escape the hustle and bustle of major cities.

The cost of living in Tottori is generally lower than in urban centers like Tokyo or Osaka. However, job opportunities can be more limited, and it's essential to consider employment prospects when planning to live in Tottori. Those with remote work options or a source of income that doesn't rely on local job markets may find Tottori particularly attractive for its affordability and quality of life.