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I bought this house in 2023 with the intention of renovating it myself so that I could quit my job and start a rural life in a place with lots of nature. I decided to sell it because I decided to move to another rural property. It has been vacant since I acquired it. The grass has been cut once. The storage area on the first floor is still unregistered. The house was built in 1937 and has a lot of damage due to aging, so it needs to be repaired before it can be lived in. I think this is a perfect property for those who want to try self-renovation on a low budget. The toilet is a septic tank, but it can be changed to a flush toilet by installing a septic tank. Two small cars can be parked. You can stop more by cutting the grass and trees. The front door cannot be unlocked from the outside, so I enter and exit through the back door (the lock can be opened from the inside). The facilities are propane, public water, and Chugoku Electric Power (single-phase two-wire, 100V, insulator wiring, smart meter). Wastewater is drained from a gutter. The kitchen floor is weak and likely to collapse, so it needs to be replaced and reinforced. It is unclear whether the suction and drainage pipes a会社員を辞め、自然が多い場所で田舎暮らしを始めるためにセルフリフォーム前提で2023年に購入しました。別の田舎物件への移住が決まったため、仕方なく売りに出すことにしました。取得後、空き家のままです。草刈りを一度実施済みです。1階の物置部分が未登記のままです。昭和12年に建てられた家屋は経年劣化による傷みが多く、居住には修繕が必要です。低予算でセルフリフォームに挑戦したい方にぴったりな物件だと思います。トイレは汲み取り式ですが、浄化槽を設置すれば水洗式への変更が可能です。軽自動車だと2台程止められます。草木を刈ればさらに止められます。正面玄関の鍵が外から開かないため、裏口から出入りしています(中からは鍵が開きます)。設備は、プロパン、公営水道、中国電力(単相2線式、100V・碍子引き配線・スマートメーター)です。雑排水は側溝等です。キッチンの床が弱く抜けそうなため、張り替えや補強が必要です。吸排水管は使用できる状態か不明なため、引き直した方が良いかもしれません。玄関付近の天井に、過去に雨漏りしたようなシミがありました。最近のものではなさそうですが要点検です。一部瓦が剥がれている部分があり、応急処置が必要です。古い電気配線(碍子引き配線)のため、引き直しした方が安全かもしれません。電気が単相2線式なので40A以上を希望の場合、単相3線式への切替工事が必要です。便器が汚いので要交換です。屋外に設置されているガス給湯器や、エアコン室外機は動かないと思われるので処分した方が良いと思われます。
Land:土地面積 | 375 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 94 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2 stories2階建 |
Structure:構造 | Wooden Cement Roof Tiles木造セメント瓦 |
Built in:建築年 | 1937 |
Purchasing a cheap house in Okayama offers the opportunity to live in a culturally rich region known for its historic landmarks, scenic landscapes, and vibrant local communities.
Smaller Okayama homes reflect traditional Japanese architectural styles that prioritize efficient use of space. This can be appealing for those seeking a cozy and intimate living environment. Prospective buyers should carefully consider their lifestyle preferences and transportation needs when evaluating properties, since the most affordable options are often located further away from urban centers or popular tourist areas.
With diligent research and realistic expectations, buyers can find a budget-friendly home that aligns with their needs and aspirations in this picturesque prefecture.