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detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷788-2
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detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷788-2
detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷788-2
detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷788-2
detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷788-2
detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷788-2
Traditional houses for sale in Mima Shi : Tokushima Ken

LocationMima Shi, Tokushima Ken徳島県美馬市

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USD $98,176
1500 万円
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Floor planFloor plan間取り

6 Japanese-style rooms/6 Japanese-style rooms/8 Japanese-style rooms/8 Japanese-style rooms/8 Japanese-style rooms/10 Western-style rooms/10 Western-style rooms/10 LDK



788-2 Nishiakaya, Wakimachi, Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷788-2
Land:土地面積11709 m²
Building:建物面積429 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階建
Built in:建築年1985
detached 美馬(9)穴吹(6)脇町(14)木屋平(2)指定しない
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detached 美馬(9)穴吹(6)脇町(14)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(9)穴吹(6)脇町(14)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(9)穴吹(6)脇町(14)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(9)穴吹(6)脇町(14)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(9)穴吹(6)脇町(14)木屋平(2)指定しない
Traditional houses for sale in Mima Shi : Tokushima Ken

LocationMima Shi, Tokushima Ken徳島県美馬市

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USD $52,361
800 万円

A one-story house near a junior high school (with power sales facilities)中学校に近い平屋のお家(売電設備あり)

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

1F Japanese-style 8, 6, 6, 4, Western-style 4.5, kitchen, bath, toilet
1F 和8・6・6・4、洋4.5,キッチン、風呂、トイレ

Soena, Wakimachi, Mima City美馬市脇町字曽江名
Land:土地面積397 m²
Building:建物面積137 m²
Structure:構造Wooden one-story building木造 平屋建
Built in:建築年1972
detached 美馬(9)穴吹(7)脇町(15)木屋平(1)指定しない
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detached 美馬(9)穴吹(7)脇町(15)木屋平(1)指定しない
detached 美馬(9)穴吹(7)脇町(15)木屋平(1)指定しない
detached 美馬(9)穴吹(7)脇町(15)木屋平(1)指定しない
detached 美馬(9)穴吹(7)脇町(15)木屋平(1)指定しない
detached 美馬(9)穴吹(7)脇町(15)木屋平(1)指定しない
Traditional houses for sale in Mima Shi : Tokushima Ken

LocationMima Shi, Tokushima Ken徳島県美馬市

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USD $78,541
1200 万円

Big house with garageガレージのある大きなお家

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

1F Japanese-style 8, 8, 6, 6, Western-style 8, kitchen, kitchen, toilet, bath
2F Western-style 8, 8
1F 和8・8・6・6、洋8、キッチン、キッチン、トイレ、風呂
2F 洋8・8

Tanijiri, Mima-cho, Mima City美馬市美馬町字谷尻
Land:土地面積391 m²
Building:建物面積207 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden structure木造2階建
Built in:建築年1980
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detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
Traditional houses for sale in Mima Shi : Tokushima Ken

LocationMima Shi, Tokushima Ken徳島県美馬市

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USD $78,541
1200 万円

Two-storey house with barn and fields2階建、納屋、田畑つきのお家

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

1st floor: Japanese-style room 8, 8, 6, 6, kitchen, bath, toilet
2nd floor: Japanese-style room 8, 6
1階 和8・8・6・6、キッチン、風呂、トイレ
2階 和8・6

Mima City, Mimacho, Sakaime美馬市美馬町字境目
Land:土地面積725 m²
Building:建物面積116 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden structure木造2階建
Built in:建築年1957
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
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detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
Traditional houses for sale in Mima Shi : Tokushima Ken

LocationMima Shi, Tokushima Ken徳島県美馬市

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USD $19,635
300 万円

An old house built over 150 years ago築150年以上の旧家

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

1st floor
■Japanese-style rooms 8, 8, 6, 6, 6, 4, 3 ■Kitchen
■Bathroom and washstand ■Toilet
2nd floor
■27 planks
■和室8・8・6・6・6・4・3 ■キッチン
■風呂・洗面 ■トイレ

Nishiakaya, Wakimachi, Mima City美馬市脇町字西赤谷
Land:土地面積919 m²
Building:建物面積209 m²
Structure:構造Wooden/2-story building木造・2階建て
Built in:建築年1865
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
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detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
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detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
Traditional houses for sale in Mima Shi : Tokushima Ken

LocationMima Shi, Tokushima Ken徳島県美馬市

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USD $65,451
1000 万円

Conveniently located along the prefectural road, a home where you can feel the warmth of wood県道沿いの便利な立地、木のぬくもりを感じられる住まい

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

1st floor
■Japanese-style rooms 4.5, 6, 6, 8, 8 ■Western-style rooms 8
■Kitchen ■Toilet ■Bathroom ■Earthen floor
2nd floor
■Japanese-style rooms 6 and 8
■和室4.5・6・6・8・8 ■洋室8
■キッチン ■トイレ ■風呂 ■土間

Konagaya, Mima-cho, Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture徳島県美馬市美馬町小長谷
Land:土地面積998 m²
Building:建物面積157 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden building木造2階建て
Built in:建築年1966
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detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
detached 美馬(10)穴吹(6)脇町(15)木屋平(2)指定しない
Traditional houses for sale in Mima Shi : Tokushima Ken

LocationMima Shi, Tokushima Ken徳島県美馬市

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USD $7,854
120 万円

Sunny and spacious site日当たり良好、広い敷地

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Floor planFloor plan間取り

■Japanese-style room 2, 2, 3, 4.5, 6 tatami mats
■Kitchen 3
■和室 2,2,3,4.5,6帖

Higashimuneshige, Mima-cho, Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture徳島県美馬市美馬町東宗重
Land:土地面積967 m²
Building:建物面積51 m²
Built in:建築年1960
detached 徳島県美馬市美馬町字東宗重
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detached 徳島県美馬市美馬町字東宗重
detached 徳島県美馬市美馬町字東宗重
detached 徳島県美馬市美馬町字東宗重
Traditional houses for sale in Mima Shi : Tokushima Ken

LocationMima Shi, Tokushima Ken徳島県美馬市

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USD $9,818
150 万円

Vacant House Bank [For Sale] 1.5 million yen Tokushima Prefecture Mima City Mimacho Higashimuneshige 5K 2-story old house with field and 10 parking spaces空き家バンク【売買】150万円 徳島県美馬市美馬町字東宗重 畑・駐車場10台付き5K2階建古民家

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Floor planFloor plan間取り



About 10 units10台程度

Higashimuneshige, Mima-cho, Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture徳島県美馬市美馬町字東宗重
Land:土地面積685 m²
Building:建物面積123 m²
Structure:構造Two-story wooden structure木造2階建
detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷 地図を見る
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detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷 地図を見る
detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷 地図を見る
detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷 地図を見る
detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷 地図を見る
detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷 地図を見る
detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷 地図を見る
detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷 地図を見る
detached 徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷 地図を見る
Traditional houses for sale in Mima Shi : Tokushima Ken

LocationMima Shi, Tokushima Ken徳島県美馬市

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USD $98,176
1500 万円
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Floor planFloor plan間取り

7LDK Japanese-style room 6 tatami mats / Japanese-style room 6 tatami mats / Japanese-style room 8 tatami mats / Japanese-style room 8 tatami mats / Japanese-style room 8 tatami mats / Western-style room 10 tatami mats / Western-style room 10 tatami mats / LDK 10 tatami mats7LDK 和室6帖/和室6帖/和室8帖/和室8帖/和室8帖/洋室10帖/洋室10帖/LDK10帖



Tokushima Prefecture, Mima City, Wakimachi, Nishiakaya View map徳島県美馬市脇町字西赤谷 地図を見る
Land:土地面積11709 m²
Building:建物面積429 m²
Scale:建物規模2 floors above ground地上2階
Built in:建築年1985
detached 徳島県美馬市美馬町字境目
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detached 徳島県美馬市美馬町字境目
detached 徳島県美馬市美馬町字境目
detached 徳島県美馬市美馬町字境目
Traditional houses for sale in Mima Shi : Tokushima Ken

LocationMima Shi, Tokushima Ken徳島県美馬市

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USD $98,176
1500 万円

"107 Mima City Mimacho Aza Kyoume"「107 美馬市美馬町字境目」


This is a two-story house with a barn and farmland (4,863 square meters of rice fields and 1,565 square meters of fields). *Registration with the "Mima City Vacant House Bank" is required to receive information about this property.2階建、納屋、田畑つきのお家

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Floor planFloor plan間取り


Mimacho, Mima City, Tokushima Prefecture徳島県美馬市美馬町字境目
Land:土地面積725 m²
Building:建物面積116 m²
Scale:建物規模2-story / -2階建 / -
Built in:建築年1957

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Tokushima Ken

Settling in Tokushima

Tokushima Prefecture, located on the island of Shikoku, offers an enticing blend of rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and affordability, making it an ideal destination for those considering relocation to Japan. Known for its lush landscapes and mountainous terrain, the prefecture offers stunning views and outdoor activities, including hiking and beautiful river rafting on the Yoshino River, one of Japan's top spots for whitewater sports. Tokushima is also home to the famous Awa Odori dance festival, showcasing local culture and community spirit, which can provide newcomers with a warm welcome and an integration into the local life. The cost of living, particularly housing, is remarkably affordable compared to larger urban centers like Tokyo and Osaka; here, you can find spacious homes at reasonable prices, making it an attractive option for those seeking a more peaceful lifestyle without breaking the bank. The local economy is diversifying, with efforts to boost industries such as agriculture and tourism, which could offer potential job opportunities. Moreover, the prefecture's accessibility to nearby cities via rail and bus systems ensures that you can enjoy the tranquility of rural life while still being connected to urban amenities. With a supportive expat community and a slower pace of life, Tokushima Ken presents a unique opportunity for those looking to establish roots in a less chaotic environment while enjoying the vibrant charm of Japan.