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Get off at Shichirigahama Station, enjoy the world's best breakfast of ricotta pancakes, then have coffee time at Ron Herman. While you wait, relax on the beach. That's what life in Kamakura would be like! The Prince Hotel, surrounded by a large green space, is the gateway to Shichirigahama, and the town itself has a refined appearance. Near the mountain behind the Prince Hotel, there is a country house with horizontal boards that is perfect for this location. Behind the house, there is a vast slope and two huts. The current owner seems to have kept small animals, and although it is a corner of the refined appearance, it lives a rustic life. As for the inside of the house, the public spaces such as the corridors, stairs, and living/dining/kitchen area are well-equipped, and it feels like a hotel. There are also plenty of private rooms, so they can be set up as guest rooms. The attic room with a cute triangular ceiling is perfect for putting a billiard table in... and your imagination will run wild. If all the walls on the first floor were removed and a large one-room apartment were created, it could be used for private lodgings or as a corporate retreat and office. And from the se七里ヶ浜駅を降り、リコッタパンケーキで世界一の朝食を、ロンハーマンでカフェタイム。待ち時間はビーチでまったり。そんな鎌倉ライフ素敵でしょ!七里ガ浜の街並みは、大きな緑地に囲われたプリンスホテルが街の玄関口になっていて、街そのものが品のある顔付きをしています。プリンスの裏山付近に、このロケーションにぴったりな、横板貼りのカントリーハウスが建っております。家の裏手側には、広大な斜面地付きで、小屋が2棟。現在のオーナーは小動物を飼われていたようで、品ある顔立ちの一角でありながら、野趣溢れる暮らしぶり。家の中はというと、廊下や階段、LDKなどパブリックスペースが、充実していて、ホテルライクな感じ。個室も充実しているので、ゲストルームとして設えられます。三角形の天井がかわいい小屋裏部屋は、ビリヤード台を置いて、、、妄想が膨らみます。1階部分の壁を全部抜いて、大きなワンルールにすれば、民泊利用や、企業の保養所兼オフィスなどにも活用できそうです。そして、2階からはドカーーーーンと海、見えてます。野趣溢れ、且つ海見え。庶民が買うには、ちょいと手の出しづらい1億超え。思考を切り替えて、こんなところで仕事できたらいいな~。と社長に提案してみましょう。週1回は七里でブレスト。いいアイデアでるなこりゃ。ランチは「珊瑚礁のビーフカレー」、舌の肥えること。宿泊もできて、翌日はサーフィンしてから江ノ電乗ってサッと出社。パフォーマンスあがっちゃうな~。人材、集まっちゃうな~、こんな会社あったら。エンジョイワークスでも人材募集中!!!
Land:土地面積 | 1055 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 217 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 3 floors3階建て |
Structure:構造 | 3-story wooden building with slate roof and attached buildi木造スレート葺3階建て・付属建物有 |
Built in:建築年 | 1983 |
Today's stage is about a 19-minute walk from Kamakura Station. After passing through Komachi-dori, we bowed to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine before entering. The fact that the walk passes through the grounds of Hachimangu Shrine is very Kamakura-like. The jet black exterior walls exude a mature look, with exposed natural wood eaves, and the exterior walls are made of highly durable charred cedar boards. The appearance has a deep texture! It raises expectations for the interior. The living room on the second floor is easy to use as the dining room and living room are clearly separated.本日の舞台は「鎌倉」駅から歩いて約19分。小町通りを抜け、鶴ケ岡八幡宮に一礼をして入場。道中が八幡宮境内を通っていけるなんて、鎌倉らしさがありますね。大人見溢れる漆黒の外壁に、天然木剝き出しの軒下、外壁は耐久性の高い焼杉板を仕様。味わい深い風合いの佇まい!室内への期待度が上がります。2階リビングはダイニングとリビングがはっきりと分かれていて使いやすいです。
Land:土地面積 | 167 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 128 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | Two-story wooden building木造2階建 |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 2024 |
The Omachi 1-chome area is an area along the Namegawa River where the typical Kamakura scenery remains. The relaxed scenery of the mansion town exudes the atmosphere of old Kamakura and has a special feeling that is different from the commercial area around the station. This land is a corner of that charming place. Of the two residential lots, one is vacant and the other has an old house attached. There are options for either building a life from scratch or renovating.大町一丁目エリアは、滑川沿いの鎌倉らしい風景が残るエリアです。お屋敷町のゆったりとした景観は、旧鎌倉の雰囲気が漂い駅周辺の商業エリアとは異なる特別感があります。今回の土地はその風情ある場所の一角です。2宅地の内、一方は更地で、もう片方は古家付きとなっています。ゼロから暮らしをつくるのも、リノベーションするのもどちらものパターンもあります。
Land:土地面積 | 189 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | Vacant lot更地 |
The living/dining/kitchen area is over 30 tatami mats, and each Western-style room is over 8 tatami mats, making it a spacious space. There is parking space for 4 cars, and there is also a wooden deck and vegetable garden, so you can enjoy life surrounded by nature.LDK30畳以上、各洋室8畳以上、広々した空間。車が4台駐車可能で、ウッドデッキや家庭菜園もあり、自然に囲まれた生活が楽しめる。
Land:土地面積 | 407 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 130 m² |
Structure:構造 | Two-story wooden structure木造2階建 |
Built in:建築年 | 2020 |
Zaimokuza 5-chome is close to the sea and convenient for daily shopping. This is a special residence with a sense of openness perfect for a life in Zaimokuza.海を日常使いしつつ、日々の買い物も便利な材木座5丁目。そんな材木座生活のための、解放感のあるこだわり邸宅。
Land:土地面積 | 108 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 86 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2 stories2階建て |
Structure:構造 | Wooden slate roof木造スレート葺 |
Built in:建築年 | 2002 |
Just a 10-minute walk from Kamakura Station, the property we are introducing today is an old house that has aged alongside the history of Kamakura for nearly 100 years.鎌倉駅から徒歩たったの10分。100年近く鎌倉の歴史と共に歳を重ねた「古民家」が今回ご紹介の物件です。
Land:土地面積 | 212 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 166 m² |
Structure:構造 | Wooden roofing with tile and galvanized steel plate木造瓦葺・亜鉛メッキ剛板 |
We found a mansion that quietly stands on a hill. Close your eyes and try to imagine it. The sound and smell of the wind when a closed window is opened. A pleasant breeze blowing through the garden and inside the house. We would like to introduce you to a stage for such a fragrant lifestyle. The wooden deck is spacious, about 12 m2. There is no road in front of it, so it is a private space. That's why you can really have a BBQ! The right side (west side) is open, so the breeze blows through. It's like having a natural electric fan. Feel free to stretch your wings! The 8-tatami Japanese-style room is connected to the deck. A tasteful and luxurious space that you won't find in a pure new build. You'll want to relax with a beer and the sound of wind chimes while burning mosquito coils!高台にひっそりとそびえる邸宅、見つけちゃいました。目を閉じて想像してみてください。閉まり切った窓が開かれた時の風の音や匂い。庭でも、家の中でも吹き抜ける気持ちの良い風。そんな、風薫る暮らしの舞台をご紹介いたします。ウッドデッキは広々約12㎡。目の前が道路ではないのでプライベートな空間。だからこそ、ほんとにBBQが出来ますね!右側(西側)が抜けているので風が吹き抜けます。まるで天然の扇風機が付いているかのよう。思いっきり羽をのばしてください!デッキから繋がる8帖の和室。ピュアな新築物件では出ない、味のある贅沢空間。蚊取り線香を焚きながら、風鈴の音を肴にビールでくつろぎたくなる・・!
Land:土地面積 | 205 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 114 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | Two-story wooden building木造2階建 |
Structure:構造 | Wooden木造 |
Built in:建築年 | 1987 |
It's in a quiet area, not too close to the station, and within walking distance of the sea! With a spacious entrance and a sanitary room, I think it's the perfect apartment to live in Zaimokuza! If you're interested, please contact us!駅には近すぎずガヤガヤ感のない閑静なエリア、海には程よく、歩いていける立地!広い玄関土間スペースからのサニタリールームと材木座に住むには最適なマンションかと思います!是非少しでも気になる方はお問い合わせください!
Building:建物面積 | 71 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 4 floors above ground, 1 floor地上4階建1階建 |
Structure:構造 | RC structure, 4 floors above ground, 1 floorRC造地上4階建1階建 |
Built in:建築年 | 2019 |
Could you please confirm where the property we are introducing is located? There is a stylish building with an off-white exterior. We are concerned about future construction plans on the south side, but this property has a stepped structure on the south side. The zoning of this area is a Type 1 low-rise residential area, and there are restrictions on the height of buildings.今回、ご紹介の物件がどちらにあるか、ご確認できますでしょうか。オフホワイト色外観の瀟洒な建物があります。将来的な南側の建築計画が気になる所ですが、当物件は南側がひな壇になっております。こちらの用途地域が第一種低層住居専用地域、建築物の高さの制限がある事。
Land:土地面積 | 250 m² |
Building:建物面積 | 113 m² |
Scale:建物規模 | 2 stories2階建 |
Structure:構造 | Lightweight steel frame with slate roof軽量鉄骨造スレート葺 |
Built in:建築年 | 1988 |
Kanagawa Prefecture, located just south of Tokyo, is a vibrant prefecture that seamlessly blends urban convenience with natural beauty, making it an exceptional choice for those considering relocation. One of its standout features is its proximity to Tokyo, offering a suburban lifestyle with easy access to the bustling capital—an appealing factor for professionals seeking a balance between work and leisure. Kanagawa is home to popular cities such as Yokohama, with its picturesque waterfront and lively international atmosphere, and Kamakura, famed for its cultural heritage and coastal charm. For nature lovers, the stunning landscapes of the Hakone region, known for its hot springs and views of Mt. Fuji, provide tranquil retreats just a stone’s throw away. Affordability is a crucial aspect for prospective buyers, and Kanagawa offers competitive property prices compared to the heart of Tokyo, particularly in areas like Kawasaki and Atsugi. Here, you can find spacious homes and apartments that fit various budgets, making it suitable for first-time buyers or families. Additionally, the local government has been actively promoting residential developments that cater to newcomers, ensuring a diverse community with ample amenities. Schools, parks, and transport systems are well-developed, adding to the region's appeal. Overall, Kanagawa Ken offers a dynamic lifestyle with a variety of housing options, making it a compelling choice for anyone looking to invest in property while enjoying both urban and natural facets of Japan.