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detached 西深川
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detached 西深川
detached 西深川
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detached 西深川
detached 西深川
detached 西深川
detached 西深川
detached 西深川
Traditional houses for sale in Nagato Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationNagato Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県長門市

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USD $32,725
500 万円

This property is for sale in the Nishifukagawa area. Although it is located in the center of Nagato City, it is a quiet residential area. It is close to the city center, the station and the bus stop, and is a convenient area for living, so it is a property recommended for people of all ages. There is a spacious garden where you can enjoy gardening.西深川エリアの売買物件です。長門市の中央部に位置しているにも関わらず、こちらは閑静な住宅街です。市街地、駅・バス停にも近く、生活利便性の良い地域で、幅広い世代の方におすすめの物件です。広々とした庭があり、家庭菜園も楽しめます。

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6K (5DK, 5LDK) or more6K(5DK,5LDK)以上


Can beあり

Nishifukagawa, Nagato City長門市西深川
Land:土地面積488 m²
Building:建物面積145 m²
Scale:建物規模One-story house平家建
Structure:構造Light-weight steel framed, slate-roofed, wooden, tile-roofe軽量鉄骨造スレート葺平家建、木造瓦葺平家建(増築部分)
Built in:建築年1971
detached 周防大島町大字西屋代
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detached 周防大島町大字西屋代
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detached 周防大島町大字西屋代
detached 周防大島町大字西屋代
detached 周防大島町大字西屋代
detached 周防大島町大字西屋代
detached 周防大島町大字西屋代
detached 周防大島町大字西屋代
Traditional houses for sale in Suo-oshima Cho : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationSuo-oshima Cho, Yamaguchi Ken山口県周防大島町

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USD $57,597
880 万円

The design is wonderful, and this property for sale will make your dream of "I want to live in a house like this!" come true. The garden is also in the style of a Japanese garden.デザイン性が素晴らしく、「こんなおうちに住んでみたい!」が叶えられる売買物件です。お庭も日本庭園風になっています。

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Can beあり

Suo-Oshima Town Nishiyashiro周防大島町大字西屋代
Land:土地面積388 m²
Building:建物面積268 m²
Scale:建物規模Two-story building二階建
Built in:建築年1982
detached 周防大島町大字東三蒲
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detached 周防大島町大字東三蒲
detached 周防大島町大字東三蒲
detached 周防大島町大字東三蒲
detached 周防大島町大字東三蒲
detached 周防大島町大字東三蒲
detached 周防大島町大字東三蒲
detached 周防大島町大字東三蒲
Traditional houses for sale in Suo-oshima Cho : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationSuo-oshima Cho, Yamaguchi Ken山口県周防大島町

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USD $26,180
400 万円

This property for sale comes with an adjacent field and is conveniently located near the Oshima Bridge and shops. You can see a little of the ocean from the second floor.大島大橋、お店から近く、利便性の良い立地がおすすめの、隣接する畑付き売買物件です。二階から少し海を眺めることができます。

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Can beあり

Suo-Oshima Town Higashi-Mikama周防大島町大字東三蒲
Land:土地面積351 m²
Building:建物面積139 m²
Scale:建物規模Two-story building二階建
Built in:建築年1962
detached 宇部市大字東岐波3350番地
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detached 宇部市大字東岐波3350番地
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detached 宇部市大字東岐波3350番地
detached 宇部市大字東岐波3350番地
Traditional houses for sale in Ube Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationUbe Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県宇部市

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USD $45,815
700 万円

This is a very spacious property with attached farmland. There are also plenty of sheds and warehouses for storing equipment, making it ideal for farming. The property is also frequently maintained, so it seems like you could move in right away.非常に広く、農地が付帯している物件です。

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Available (4 units)有(4台)

3350 Higashikiba, Ube City宇部市大字東岐波3350番地
Land:土地面積1383 m²
Building:建物面積313 m²
Structure:構造One-story wooden building木造平屋建
Built in:建築年1970
detached 大字鴨庄
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detached 大字鴨庄
detached 大字鴨庄
detached 大字鴨庄
detached 大字鴨庄
detached 大字鴨庄
detached 大字鴨庄
detached 大字鴨庄
Traditional houses for sale in San-yo-onoda Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationSan-yo-onoda Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県山陽小野田市

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USD $32,725
500 万円
USD $360 / month
(¥55,000 / month)
5 万 5000 円 / 月

This vacant house is an attractive property that combines the convenience of being an 8-minute walk from the station with the charm of the Showa era. There are schools, supermarkets, and home improvement stores nearby, making it convenient for daily life. There is also attic storage, so you will never be short of storage space. This property is perfect for a peaceful family life and can also be used as a base for remote work.この空き家は、駅まで徒歩8分の利便性と昭和の趣が調和した魅力的な物件です。周囲には学校やスーパー、ホームセンターが揃い、日々の生活に便利です。屋根裏収納も備わっており、収納スペースに困ることはありません。この物件は、家族での穏やかな暮らしに最適であり、またリモートワークの拠点としても活用できます。

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Yamaguchi Prefecture Sanyo Onoda City Oaza Kamosho山口県 山陽小野田市 大字鴨庄
Land:土地面積198 m²
Building:建物面積124 m²
Structure:構造Wooden one-story house木造平屋
Built in:建築年1987
detached 美祢市東厚保町川東
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detached 美祢市東厚保町川東
detached 美祢市東厚保町川東
detached 美祢市東厚保町川東
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detached 美祢市東厚保町川東
detached 美祢市東厚保町川東
detached 美祢市東厚保町川東
Traditional houses for sale in Mine Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationMine Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県美祢市

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USD $9,818
150 万円
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Kawahigashi, Higashiatsubo-cho, Mine City美祢市東厚保町川東
Land:土地面積632 m²
Building:建物面積195 m²
Built in:建築年1977
detached 周防大島町大字東屋代
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detached 周防大島町大字東屋代
detached 周防大島町大字東屋代
detached 周防大島町大字東屋代
detached 周防大島町大字東屋代
detached 周防大島町大字東屋代
detached 周防大島町大字東屋代
detached 周防大島町大字東屋代
detached 周防大島町大字東屋代
detached 周防大島町大字東屋代
detached 周防大島町大字東屋代
detached 周防大島町大字東屋代
Traditional houses for sale in Suo-oshima Cho : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationSuo-oshima Cho, Yamaguchi Ken山口県周防大島町

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USD $26,180
400 万円

This property is located in the lush Yashiro area. The garden is also beautifully maintained.緑豊かな屋代地域にある物件です。庭園も美しく管理されています。

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4-5 units4~5台

Suo-Oshima Town Higashiyashiro周防大島町大字東屋代
Land:土地面積688 m²
Building:建物面積145 m²
Scale:建物規模Two-story building二階建
Built in:建築年1956
detached 美祢市美東町大田
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detached 美祢市美東町大田
detached 美祢市美東町大田
detached 美祢市美東町大田
Traditional houses for sale in Mine Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationMine Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県美祢市

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USD $19,635
300 万円
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Ota, Mito-cho, Mine City美祢市美東町大田
Land:土地面積1650 m²
Building:建物面積120 m²
Built in:建築年1983
detached 美祢市大嶺町奥分
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detached 美祢市大嶺町奥分
detached 美祢市大嶺町奥分
detached 美祢市大嶺町奥分
detached 美祢市大嶺町奥分
detached 美祢市大嶺町奥分
detached 美祢市大嶺町奥分
detached 美祢市大嶺町奥分
detached 美祢市大嶺町奥分
detached 美祢市大嶺町奥分
detached 美祢市大嶺町奥分
Traditional houses for sale in Mine Shi : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationMine Shi, Yamaguchi Ken山口県美祢市

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USD $45,815
700 万円
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5 pieces5台

Okubun, Ominecho, Mine City美祢市大嶺町奥分
Land:土地面積429 m²
Building:建物面積162 m²
Built in:建築年1997
detached 阿武町福賀
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detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
detached 阿武町福賀
Traditional houses for sale in Abu Cho : Yamaguchi Ken

LocationAbu Cho, Yamaguchi Ken山口県阿武町

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USD $6,545
100 万円
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Usage situationUsage situation利用状況


Abu Town Fukuga阿武町福賀
Land:土地面積641 m²
Building:建物面積221 m²
Structure:構造Wooden one-story building, light steel frame two-story buil木造平屋建 軽量鉄骨造2階建
Built in:建築年2014

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Yamaguchi Ken

Settling in Yamaguchi

Yamaguchi Prefecture, located on the western tip of Honshu, is a hidden gem for those considering relocating to Japan. This picturesque prefecture is known for its stunning natural landscapes, including the iconic Seto Inland Sea, lush mountains, and serene coastlines, providing a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Unlike more populous areas like Tokyo or Osaka, Yamaguchi offers a more relaxed lifestyle with a close-knit community vibe, making it ideal for individuals or families seeking a slower, more fulfilling pace of life. The cost of living here is notably lower than in major metropolitan areas, which translates to more affordable property options. Buyers can find charming traditional homes, modern houses, and even quaint properties with rich historical backgrounds at prices that often fall within their budget. Furthermore, Yamaguchi boasts excellent transport links, including the Shinkansen (bullet train), allowing for easy access to larger cities for work or leisure, enhancing your ability to balance rural tranquility with urban convenience. Rich in cultural heritage, the region is also celebrated for its delicious local cuisine, particularly its seafood and sake. With a mix of natural beauty, historical significance, and economic viability, Yamaguchi Ken is an attractive option for those looking to invest in affordable property while enjoying a uniquely Japanese lifestyle that other prefectures may not offer.